Romanogers 18

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Steve's pov

The tower was dark. Well I wasn't exactly expecting it to be lit up like Christmas at three in the morning. My footsteps were quiet out of curtesy towards the kitchen. I was aching to drink a glass of water when a gentle breeze ran down my spine just then. The balcony doors were open. Deciding to take a look I slowly peeked my head through the open door. I could see a dash of red hair and small feet sticking out from the papasan chair.

Without flinching she replied;
"Hey Steve, late night?"
She said gently not looking at me

"I could ask you the same thing"
I smirked at her. She scoffed lightly

"I'm heading up, you gonna be okay?"

She told me finally looking at me. Her face was drawn and her eyes were puffy. I wanted to ask but I knew she was a private person. That was one of things I noticed about her in the past few months. After the Chitauri attack, SHIELD agreed that the world needed the avengers. So it was decided that we would share a space in Stark tower now renamed Avengers tower. This way if we were needed everyone was already together. It was effective and efficient but it also meant practically living with strangers. The team was taking their own time to recover from the attack. Everyone was friendly sure, but distant. No one spent more time then needed in the company of the team. Of course friendships has blossomed like Doctor Banner and Stark or Agent Barton- uh I mean Clint and Natasha, the SHIELD agents had let us use their first names. But overall we were just a team who assembled when we were needed. No more than that.


The next morning I was in the kitchen looking for some coffee. It was around 6, and the sun was beginning to peek out over the skyscrapers. The tower was casted in a beautiful peach colour. The light seeped further into the usually dark kitchen. I turned around to avoid getting blinded.
6 am was the earliest anyone woke up in the tower. I would know, it's me. Unless someone was having a late night and was only up because they hadn't slept (I'm talking about you Tony), then it was just me in the morning. Still I had taken to making an extra cup of coffee every morning because Natasha would be up soon. I turned the corner and almost dropped my mug as I stared at the mystery that was Natasha. She sat quietly on the couch, the tv was muted but it looked like she was watching it.

"Morning Natasha"
I said sitting on the opposite couch. I wasn't really expecting an answer, I knew how she was. But she usually acknowledged my presence.
Contrary to what others might think, I'm very observant. Over the last 3 months I've picked up on some very useful things about the team wether I was supposed to know or not. I know how the whole team prefers their coffee simply by watching. I know Bruce always wears purple socks, Clint has to sit on the farthest point away from the tv on the sofa because he sees better from a distance, Tony cuts his hair when he's stressed, and Thor stares at the sky when he misses home.
As for Natasha her habits were mostly a mystery to me. For that reason I gathered she was immensely private except probably with Clint.

Natasha sat rigid on the couch looking at the tv. I wasn't sure if she was ignoring me but I didn't push her. So I sat comfortably reading the news on a StarkPad. It wasn't until she let out a small gasp that I knew something was wrong.

I locked the Pad and slowly approached her.

I froze. Never had I seen her so frightened. Her rigid form slumped and she shuddered while her arms held her knees to her chest. All I could do was stare. Never had I though Natasha would be this comfortable around me to be able to show her true emotions.

"Are you okay?"
I asked hiding the worry in my voice. When she didn't reply I contemplated calling Clint, he'd probably know what to do. Ultimately I decided against it, I wanted to help her, I wanted her to trust me. Hesitantly and with light steps I kneeled in front of her. Closer to her I could see the bags under her eyes. Her greasy looking hair was pulled into the messiest of ponytails. Sweat lined her hairline and I swear the sweater she was wearing she'd worn yesterday...and the day before that. She wasn't taking care of herself and it was starting to show.
Gently I touched her ankle. She stiffened under my touch but after a few minutes She relaxed again.

"Talk to me"
Unexpectedly she tore her eyes from the tv and looked at me. I offered a small smile.

"What's going on Natasha? You clearly haven't been sleeping and I've barley seen you eat more than half of your food"
I told her in the gentlest most worrisome way.

"I'm sorry"
I held in my gasp. Did she just apologize to me? I sat next to her and she let me. Her eyes found mine again and she sighed.

"Loki...he uh he messed with my head. He knew things he couldn't have, but he knew them anyway."
She stopped herself and I saw her shoulders tense up.

"Natasha it's okay"
I placed a hand on her shoulder. She snapped her head to face me. Sorrow and fear shone through her eyes. I began to rub my thumb in a soothing motion. I felt her muscles relax again, she almost leaned into my touch.

"I got compromised"
She whispered
"Loki brought up some painful memories"

"You don't have to share"
She closed her mouth clearly relieved.

"We're here to help each other. I'm here to help you Natasha."
She actually smiled this time, well it was more of quick upturn of the corner of her lips.

"I want to shower"
She mumbled. I let out a relieved sigh.

"I'll be here when you're done"

And I was. When Natasha came back she looked refreshed and calm. Without saying anything I let her come to me. She sat next to me again. For a few minutes it was quite until she broke the silence

"Thank you"
Natasha said finally looking at me since she'd gotten back. I locked my eyes on hers and slowly but surely took her hand in mine. I gave it a squeeze that said I'll be here for you. She seemed to get the message and nodded thankfully.

"Will you help me make pancakes?"

Sorry for the delay! Hope you enjoyed it

Love 10starlight

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