Romanogers 19

864 42 12

How the team found out Steve and Natasha are married

1. Bruce

Bruce Banner snapped his head up from his workstation. One of Tony's prototype gauntlets was taken apart spread over the desk. Standing by the entrance to Bruce's personal lab was Natasha

She limped over to the table and pulled herself up with a grunt. He was at her side in a second.

"What's hurt?"
He asked her sternly not bothering with the details of how she actually sustained these injuries

"Ribs, knee, head"

Natasha's catsuit was in a bunch on the floor now. Hiding a blush, Banner was fumbling with the medical supplies. The dark bruises spread across her rib cage was being covered by bandages. Unconsciously Natasha grabbed the hem of Bruce's shirt with closed eyes to steady herself.

The needle slipped from Bruce's hands to clatter on the table. Thank gosh he hadn't actually pierced her skin or things might have been worse.
Steve burst into the lab heading straight to her. Banner stepped out of the way to see Steve envelope her in a tight hug.


"I'm sorry"
His hands were on her face, thumb drawing circles on her cheek. She was smiling brightly despite her definite pain.

"Are you okay? What happened?"

"Steve I'm fine, Bruce was just fixing me up"
Bruce gave him an awkward wave.

"You should be more careful Tasha"
Steve whispered quietly clearly trying to have a private moment. Bruce was a bit confused. Normally Natasha liked her personal space and definitely hated being coddled. Tony learned that the hard way when he tried to cut her meal when her arm was broken in two places. She'd punched him. So it was safe to say Bruce was surprised to see Natasha let Steve into her space.
Bruce continued to watch their quiet moment although he felt like he was being nosy. Steve's hand was on her bare waist and hers was flat on his chest. The sweet moment ended when Bruce dropper his pen. I'm the silence the noise echoed through the room. The pair looked immediately to him. Bruce's cheeks were bright red.

"Um sorry"
He fumbled his words embarrassed. Steve chuckled lightly

"No worries Banner, I should let you get back to work anyway"
Bruce let himself continue to patch Natasha up. Steve hadn't left and was chatting with Natasha.

"Right well you're all done Natasha"

"Thanks Bruce"
She slid off the table and placed a light kiss on his cheek. He couldn't help how his gaze landed on her breasts which were against his chest while she kissed his cheek. Steve was smirking at him.

"Maybe you should put on your clothes darling"
Steve told her while starting directly at Bruce. He was beyond confused at the nickname, not even Clint called her that.

"My eyes only Bruce"
Immediately he froze

"Aw Steve don't be so hard on him"
Natasha was patting his chest, cuddling awfully close to him.

"Uh you know I'm just- I should go"
Banner squeaked out grabbing a handful of whatever was closest

"Relax we're only teasing. Protective husbands am I right?"
Natasha joked


"Four years now"
Steve pressed a kiss to her head.

"Wow, um congrats guys"
He pushed his glasses up, surprised at the sudden reveal of information

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