Romanogers 10

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Prompt requested by elenabstract from Fake Red Head Writing Prompts

"What's our exit strategy?"

"Our what?!"

"Oh my god! We're all going to die today!"


"Natasha slow down"

"You want me to loose this guy?"

Natasha straddled a motorcycle while I held on to her waist for dear life as she swerved through cars. An assassin, named Mark Simpson, on SHIELDS radar was only a few meters ahead of us. He took a sharp right turn and Natasha clenched her teeth before crossing 3 lanes to follow.

"Steve take the wheel!"

I said

"Take the wheel!"
Natasha pulled her gun out of the holster and let go of the handles. I immediately leaned around her to steer. Swiftly Natasha moved her leg so she stood on one side of the bike before throwing it over the bike again so now she sat behind me. The gun shots were loud in my ear as Natasha fired.
The assassin being pursued swerved around the bullets.

"Damn it"
I heard Natasha mumbled
The man took a left turn.
I sped up against my own nature but we had caught up to Simpson. He looked over his shoulder, the helmet hid his face but I could tell he was nervous.

"Pull up next to him!"
With the bikes next to each other Natasha stood up on the back of our bike.

"What are you doing?!"
I shouted

"Juts stay close"
She said
I sighed before Natasha leaped onto the other bike.

I watched with wide eyes as Simpson took out his gun, expertly I ripped the gun from his hands. Natasha, still on Simpson's motorcycle, reached around him and steered the bike onto the sidewalk to get off the main road, my heart leaped to my throat.
Then Simpson knocked his head back. Natasha's head swung back from the contact, in her moment of weakness Simpson steered them to the edge of the sidewalk. The motorbike rammed through the rail and the two went crashing to the water below. Everything moved in slow motion as I watched Natasha fall over the edge.

I screamed hopping off the bike and scanning the water for my partner.
When no heads broke the surface, without hesitation, I tore off my helmet and dove down after her.
The air rushed around me, I closed my eyes and plunged into the icy water. I swam through the dark looking for any sign of Natasha. A little sigh of relief washed over me when I saw a body drifting just ahead. Quickly wrapping my arm around her waist I hulled her up to the surface just as my lungs started to burn. I took a laboured breath letting the air fill my lungs. Immediately I looked to Natasha and removed her helmet, her nose was bleeding and her head lulled to the side.

I asked slightly shaking her limp form. My fingers searched for a pulse but I found none. No no this wasn't happening. I drew her close and pressed my lips to hers expelling breath deeply into her mouth.
Natasha's eyes snapped open and she coughed up water. I turned her to her side as best as I could without dropping her until all the water had come out.

She asked softly

"You okay?"
She winced. I brought my cold fingers to inspect her nose, she squeezed her eyes shut.

Natasha sighed not surprised

"What about Simpson?"
She then asked softly trying to get the pain of a broken nose off her mind.

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