Clintasha 8

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Orphan AU

Swiftly a sandy haired kid ducked behind people as he moved through the crowd. The street venders littered the road, set up in rows along the edges. He shivered a bit as a cool wind blew through his thin, worn out shirt and his kaki pants that only reached to just under his knee. People didn't pay him any attention as the boy reached his small arm towards the venders and grabbed whatever he could. Apples, bread and a cool rock shaped like an arrow filled his small ratty satchel he'd stolen long ago.

Smoothly the boy moved away from the crowd, a proud look on his face. Now the streets were mostly empty, majority of the people gathered for the festival. He started to pick up the pace as light rain began to fall from the darkening sky above. As the young boy moved a streak of red caught his eyes. Curious, he turned the corner sharply to follow it. He skidded to a stop when he was met with a dead end, the brick wall stood tall blocking his path and the red head had vanished.
Suddenly a heavy weight came crashing on his shoulders, the boy tumbled to the floor taking whatever was on him down too. Quickly he got to his knees and saw a small red haired girl in a heap on the ground. This has to be her he thought.

Slowly he approached the girl and tapped her on the shoulder, that's when her fist slammed into his jaw. He howled in pain and backed away holding his face

"Why are you following me?"
The girl said in a forceful voice. She sat on her knees breathing heavily. The rain made her blood red hair cover her face slightly as it dripped with water.

"I-sorry I saw your hair and got curious I guess"
He stumbled to say
The girl shoved the wet hair out of her face.

"Go away"
She got up and began to walk away. Even though she tried to hide it, the boy could see her limp. So naturally he got up and ran to catch up with her.

"Hey wait!"
She stopped and turned around, most likely to tell him to go away but the boy didn't give her a chance to answer

"Look your hurt and out in the rain, why don't you come with me and- "

"Why would I go anywhere with you?"
She snarled

"Do you want my help or not?"
The boy was beginning to get annoyed at this girls attitude.
Suddenly thunder rang through the sky, the girl gasped and jerked to look up clearly startled by the noise.
She looked at the boy in front of her again with wide eyes.
Then she nodded.

Gently he took her hand and led her down the road, the walk was a bit far. The boy felt bad with every step they took as the mysterious girl next to him winced silently. He brought her to a run down building in the shitty part of town and pushed open the door. Inside was quiet an empty. A damp draft blew through.

"What is this place?"
She asked looking around the first floor of the apparently abandoned building.

"Come on, it's just up the stairs"
He responded ignoring her question, she didn't fail to notice that. It was a slow process but eventually they made it too a room.

"Sit here"
Gently he helped her sit down on the ratty couch. He picked her injured leg up as carefully as he could and rested it on a pillow on top of the small coffee table.

"Put this on your ankle"
He handed her a pack of ice and watched as she placed it where it hurt, he could see the area was slightly swollen.

"Why are you helping me?"
She asked

"Because you're just like me"

"You don't know anything about me"

"I know you're living on the streets"

"Why would you possibly think-"

"Your pants are about a size to small and your shirt has holes. You were out all alone at night and don't think I didn't notice the change purse in your pocket that they happen to be selling at the festival."
She had a blank expression. The boy was about to apologize thinking he'd offended her but she spoke;

"Thank you"
Was all she said

"I'm Clint by the way"
The boy smiled



Clint woke up on the couch. The girl he'd come to know as Natasha, slept soundly next to him. Her ankle looked much better.

He gently shook her shoulder
Natasha's bright green eyes opened, she shivered as she sat up.

"It's freezing"
She stated rubbing her hands up and down her crossed arms. Come to think of it Clint was chilly too. The rain hadn't fully dried on their clothes leaving them damp and cold.

"We can find something at the festival"

The two left the building and Natasha walked perfectly fine as if she hadn't rolled her ankle the night before.
When the festival came into view, Clint grabbed her hand and pulled her with him as he pushed through people. Natasha pointed out a vender with various clothing items to their left.

"Stay low"
Clint told her
He reached his hand over and pulled down the first thing he touched. It was a fur sweater, he handed it to Natasha. When Clint reached over again Natasha watched his face pale.
Clint felt a rough hand grab his wrist, he was yanked up and came face to face with the man running the vender.

"You scoundrel!"
He yelled. The attention brought the police over.

"What's going on here?"

"This thief is trying to steal my stock!"
The man said throwing Clint's arm out of his hold.

He grabbed Natasha's arms and yanked her up. The two ran as fast as their little legs could carry them, the sound of footsteps were loud behind them.

"Stop right there!"
The police officer shouted, but Clint and Natasha only ran faster down the twists and turns that they knew too well. The footsteps grew quite until they were out of earshot. The two slowed only then down.

Out of breath Natasha leaned against a brick building.

"That was close"
Clint said

"Who knows what would happen if they caught us"
Natasha said darkly. Deep down they both knew what would happen. They'd be thrown into a crappy orphanage or be put in the foster care system, both were places they'd rather not go.

"Promise me we'll always be friends"
Clint said suddenly


"Promise me we'll always be friends. We'll stick together forever"
He repeated.
A smile was plastered to Natasha's face

"I promise"

"Here take this"
He found himself saying.
He ruffled through his bag until he pulled out the arrow shaped stone.

"Now if we're ever apart you'll think of me"
Natasha's small hands wrapped around the dainty thing. She took it out of his hands and he saw a smile graze her lips as she squeezed the rock tightly. Clint really has no idea how much this meant to her.

"Thank you"
She whispered

"That's what best friends are for"

Love 10starlight
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