Romanogers 7

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Natasha's POV

I rubbed my hand across my forehead. I stared at my right hand, delicately I held something between my fingers. Two lines appeared. Shit.
Flushing the toilet, I walked out and towards Steve who sat patiently on my bed. He stood up when he saw me exit the washroom. Silently he rubbed my arm waiting for me to say something.

"I'm pregnant"
I whispered
His face lit up immediately. He wrapped his arms around me and held me in a tight hug.
When he made eye contact with me again his happiness faded slightly.

"What's wrong Natasha?"
He said

"It's just-I. This job doesn't accommodate for a family. I can't accommodate for this"
I said not realizing I had placed a hand on my stomach.

"We'll figure it out Nat, I promise."

"This wasn't the plan Steve. I didn't even think I could get pregnant."
I admitted breaking away from his hold on my hands to sit in my bed as a million thoughts ran through my head.

"I never wanted kids. I-I can't do this."
I said brokenly
Steve stared at me with his ocean eyes. He kneeled in front of me, I felt warmth spear through my leg as he put his hand on my knee.

"Natasha look at me"
His gentle fingers turned my head to look at him. Their was so much hope and joy evident on his face. He'd missed his chance for a family with Peggy and now that he might finally have one...
A small tear rolled down my cheek
His rough thumb brushed it away

"We're going to do this together okay? However you decide, I'm here for you Natasha."
I tore my eyes away from him and stared holes into the floor. Children were never supposed to be apart of my life. In the red room, it was drilled into our brains from a young age that nothing-nothing should stop you from completing a mission. I wasn't about to change that.

"I don't think I can keep this baby"
I whispered
I felt Steve tense.

He said softly

"Okay? Shouldn't you want to yell and scream at me or something- mmhm"
His lips pressed gently against mine.

"I told you Natasha, I'm with you."
I smiled

——————5 months later

Instantly I was awake. My eyes squeezed shut a moment later. I clenched my teeth and held back a wince in the back of my throat. I didn't even notice the puddle I was laying in.

Steve mumbled waking up.

"I think somethings wrong"

"What- Natasha you're bleeding!"
Steve said loudly. I paled finally feeling the wetness that was our bedsheets.

"Jarvis call doctor Banner!"
I didn't stop the tears from flooding my face. And it wasn't because I was in pain.

Bruce pushed open the door, pyjamas and all.

"It's the baby"
I spoke
Bruce took one look at me and went as pale as I knew I was.

"I'll call the ambulance, Steve get her to the ground floor now."
Steve flung himself over to my side of the bed.

"Nat, I'm going to pick you up okay?"
He said, worry poisoning his voice.

"Steve I'm scared"
I said gripping the sheets tightly.

"I am too. But we're going to get you help."
He slid his arm under my knees and around my waist before carefully picking me up in his arms.
The ambulance was already here by the time Steve rushed me to the ground floor.

"Load her into the gurney!"
The paramedic shouted. Everything was so loud. My breath was becoming heavy a long with my eyes.

Steve's voice cut through the fog in my brain.

"I'm okay"
I managed to say
Everything was a blur on the way to the hospital. It seemed as things were going too fast. The only thing I was sure about was Steve's hand holding mine.

"Ms. Romanoff you need to calm down"
A mans voice said. I blinked rapidly trying to relax.

Steve's voice echoed in my head, that was the last thing I remember.

When I woke up again I winced at the bright hospital light

"Oh thank god"
I turned my head to see Steve's blue eyes staring back at me.

"What happened"
I instantly flew into panic. I pushed myself into a sitting position.

Steve said gently taking my hand.

"You had a miscarriage"
The words sounded so loud as they left his mouth. Deep down I knew, from the moment he had pointed out the blood I knew. I just didn't want it to be true.
He immediately wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug. I felt his breath on my neck as he tried to comfort me. My shoulders began to relax and soon I melted into his embrace.

"I'm so sorry Natasha"
He whispered in my ear. I hugged tighter.

"I never wanted it anyway"
I said

"Yes you did"
He responded looking at me
He was right. Over the past few months I had thought about keeping it-her. Deep down it was a relief knowing that I didn't have to handle this anymore but it made my chest tight. I couldn't help the dream in the back of my mind creeping it's way into reality, the three of us living in a small house, SHIELD in the past and just being normal-a family. Her little face smiling up at mine, her tiny fingers curling around ours. I wanted that.

It's one thing to not want something but it's another to find out you can't have it.

"You're right"

Hey guys! Little emotional this time I know, it's my first time ever writing about pregnancy so I hope it was a somewhat realistic/good chapter.

Thanks for all your support everyone!
Love 10starlight
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