Clintasha 25

773 24 13

Requested by @eatsleepreaddance

"Anthony Stark"

"What is it Thor?" Tony asked pinching the bridge of his nose. He was simply trying to edit a blueprint for a new gauntlet on his StarkPad.

"Do you want to build a snowman?"
The god smiled widely, impressed with himself.

"When it snows we'll build one okay buddy?"

"Aye! A wise idea!"

Thor headed out of the kitchen and that was when Clint came around the corner. From what Tony could tell, he was deliberately waiting until Thor left.

"Nice of you to drop in" Tony said sarcastically

"Funny. By the look on your face, you're Thor's newest victim"

"He's asked me to build a snowman five times!" Tony complained but couldn't help a light chuckle.

"We should never have let him watch Frozen" Clint replied, apple in hand.

"Why did Thor just ask me to build a snowman? It's summer"
It was Natasha. She had confusion etched into her features coming from the hallway.

"You too then?" The genius was happy he wasn't the only one being picked on

"What are you talking about?"

"He's been asking me all day. Keep future Disney films far away from him"

"Oh" Natasha's tone was laced with sorrow. Clint softly brushed her hand.

"Oh? That's it? No snarky remark?"

"I've never seen a Disney movie"
She replied looking to the floor. Tony practically spit out his orange juice.

"What! Forget what I said, JARVIS tell everyone we're having a movie night at 8"

Clint tried to interject but Tony spewed questions at the spy. Clint could see her discomfort. She shifted in her chair, lips tight. Any minute she would run.

"See you later Tony"
He interrupted and took her hand, pulling her away from the kitchen. They slipped into an empty room. Natasha sighed deeply, eyes closed leaning against the closest wall.

Clint said softly pulling her small hands away from her face

"Tony's right Clint. How have I never seen a Disney movie?"
Natasha knew the answer. Clint did too.

"It's not your fault Tasha. Tony doesn't know about your childhood"
Her eyes shone with tears. Clint thought they made her eyes glow, if only they were happy tears.

"Do you want me to kick his ass for you? I can make him cancel movie night" he asked her playfully, gently nudging her arm.

"No. Maybe it's about time I see what all the hype is about"

"That's my girl"


When 8 rolled around, Natasha was gripping Clint's hand, secretly biting the inside of her cheek. He offered a quick squeeze back that said, 'you're okay'. The elevator opened and a smile immediately broke out onto her face.

"Natty! You came" Tony said arms wide open for the spy who fell into them.

"I'm sorry about earlier" he whispered so no one would hear. Letting her go, they joined the team who were lounging on a homemade pillow fort. It was soft and warm and nothing like her childhood. Clint cuddled up next to her, pulling the girl to his chest.

"Here Nat" Steve handed Natasha her favourite cookies, neatly positioned on a paper plate. It was Bruce who covered her up with the fluffiest blanket she'd ever felt. And Thor who ruffled her hair explaining how she's going to love Frozen.


"How did that even make sense? She kissed a frog and then became a frog?"

"Nat don't question it!"
Steve exclaimed defending his favourite movie. Natasha caught the pillow he threw at her.

"You okay Tash?" Clint whispered to her so quietly she barley even heard it while the credits played. Natasha looked up, a soft smile on her lips.


"Good. Although prepare yourself, Thor may annoy you into hating the next one"

"Why's that?"



Natasha laughed into his chest. She didn't in fact hate Frozen no matter how much Thor spoke over the characters. The other Avengers had annoyance written in their features but deep down they thought it was cute.

"So Natasha, Tony mentioned you've never seen a Disney movie" Bruce said when Thor excused himself to use the bathroom. It was probably the only time he could get a word in. She tried not to wince at his words.

"Yeah" she replied timidly

"Don't worry, me either"
Natasha reached over Clint and grabbed Bruce's hand tightly. A light blush spread across his cheeks.

"Guess we were missing out huh?"


Clint watched Natasha now more than the movies. Only he could see the tiny uplift of her lips when she watched the bright red headed princess shoot every target. He couldn't help play with her own hair. Natasha let out a little sigh, leaning into his touch.

By the end of Brave, everyone had fallen asleep in a pile of limbs and pillows. Natasha, the last one to fall asleep, almost chuckled. Everyone, no matter how far from her, was touching her, supporting her. Clint of course was wrapped around her tightly, Tony had his face pressed to her back, Steve had his fingers tangled in her hair while Bruce and Thor were content to sleep on her legs. Natasha fell asleep free of nightmares and for the first time in a long time, forgot all about the red room.

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