Clintasha 7

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Natasha's POV


5 year old Natasha Romanoff ran as fast as her legs could take her. The wind rippled through her long red locks and stung her cheeks. A smile was plastered onto her face as the playground came into view.
Little Natasha ignored the shout to wait from her parents and jumped onto the swings. She gave herself a push with her feet and her legs did the rest. Soon enough Natasha was swinging high back and forth. The wind came quickly and stung her hands with its icey chill, the girl let go of the chains in attempt to warm her hands just as she came swinging forward. With wide eyes Natasha fell from her swing landing hard on her back she closed her eyes subconsciously waiting for her head to smack the ground but it never came.
Natasha opened her eyes now realizing nothing was injured or broken, that she was okay.

But then she held her breath.

Kneeling next to her was a man. He had a wide smile and he seemed to glow. What really caught Natasha's attention however were the huge wings protruding from his back. They were unlike anything she could have imagined. The wings were as white as snow with some brown feathers along the edges. At the end of each was a sharp talon, but Natasha never felt more safe.
Her green orbs scanned him over again and followed the stretch of his arm which went out of her view. That's when she felt his fingers slightly ruffle her hair and she knew he was the one that had stopped her from smashing her head. Natasha closed her eyes to see if she was imagining it, and when she opened them he was gone.


Ever since Natasha had imagined the winged man she couldn't get him out of her head. The man was littered in her drawings and dreams, although she had taken to making his wings pink.

Natasha curled up soundly in bed that night. She mumbled something quietly when the covers were suddenly being ripped off her.

"Natasha wake up"
The soft words of her mother flowed through her head

"Natalia Alionovna Romanova wake up please!"
Natasha sat up at the annoyance from the use of her whole name but her whole demeanour changed when she began to cough. Black smoke clouded the room.


"It's ok Natasha, come we have to go outside"
Her mother took hold of the girls small wrist and pulled her to the ground to get away from the smoke.
Once her mother opened the door the intensity of the heat hit Natasha. Everything was being engulfed in orange flames. They crawled towards the stairs and did their best to safely come down. Once flat ground met them, Natasha noticed her father with a small bag crawling toward the door of the house.

But before he could reach for the handle the ceiling came crashing down. Natasha screamed.

"Shhh, we must find a way out"
Her mother cooed, fighting her own tears.

Crawling toward the back door, the flames seemed to have intensified and Natasha lost sight of her mother through the smoke and flames. She sat there frozen unable to move, having no idea which direction to go in. Natasha tried to call out for her mother but all that came out were coughs. The flames seemed to grow nearer with every passing second, Natasha tucked her knees to her chest and hid her head in her arms.

She shed more tears when the shout of her mother and a loud crash echoed in her ears. Suddenly she gasped and looked up when she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder. It was him. She wanted to ask so many questions but her voice still left her. Before she could do anything the creature was picking her up in his arms.
She instantly felt cooler from the heat of the fire, Natasha buried her head in his chest as he stood. The giant wings came around to shield the pair as he walked calmly out of the home.

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