Clintasha 16

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Clint is a spy but Natasha isn't

Clint's pov

I pinched the bridge of my nose. The gruelling lecture with Fury had finally ended. It wasn't even my fault for what happened! A stupid newbie that was somehow assigned to be on mission with me was the one who practically gave away our cover. Because of him, the drug lord we were after got away. HQ disappeared out of view as I walked through the streets of New York. A little diner caught my eye. I could eat I thought. The bell chimed when I opened the door.

"Sit anywhere hun"
A middle aged waitress said popping her gum. She had a New Jersey accent. It was pretty empty inside, I took a seat in a booth by the window. The menu was one page but it had all the essentials. I smiled. It reminded me of when Barney and I used to sneak out and eat greasy food at the local diners back in Iowa.

"Someone will be right with you"
The same waitress said from behind the counter. Unexpectedly, the wind from outside brushed against the back of my neck. A young girl ran inside and quickly ran through the swinging doors to the back of the diner. I didn't think anything of it until the same girl rushed out with her red curls now pulled into a messy bun, the uniform she and the other waitress were wearing was a little pink dress with an apron on top which she was struggling to tie. Composing herself she took her eyes off her appearance and grinned.
She was cute.

"Hi my names Natasha I'll be your waitress today. Are you all set to order?"
Her voice seemed slightly laboured like she was out of breath. I tried to hide my smile.

"Yeah uh how are the burgers?"

"My favourite is the home style."
Natasha replied pointing to it

"Sure I'll have one of those then and a...strawberry milkshake"

She closed her notepad. I couldn't help but follow her with my eyes as she told the cook my order.

"Natasha that's the third time you've been late this week"
The waitress who first greeted me said

"I know Darla"
Natasha replied rubbing her forehead
"I'm so sorry the subway was delayed and-"

"It's alright Natasha"
Darla replied
"But I can't say the same for David"
Natasha nodded in acknowledgment. I assumed David was the boss.
After that it didn't take long for her to return carrying my food. Beaming again she placed the good looking burger with a side of fries in front of me.

"Let me just grab your shake"
She quickly said making a b-line for the counter.
The wind hit my neck again, a group of men walked in. Darla told them to sit anywhere. I disregarded them when I watched Natasha walk out from behind the counter carrying my strawberry shake. I really should have kept paying attention to those guys. As I did with them, they disregarded Natasha and bumped into her. The shake and napkins fell off the tray and spilled all over her. She let out a gasp. The guys continued to mind their own business.

"Are you okay?"
I asked her pulling away a wet napkin that had stuck to her hair. She blushed.

"Yeah, fine. Sorry about your milkshake"
She answered. I was about to tell her it clearly wasn't her fault but Darla came out from the kitchen with a roll of paper towels before I could get a word out

"Oh honey!"
She shouted

"Let's get you fixed up. Donny clean that!"
Darla led Natasha away with an arm around her. The bathroom door closed behind them. My keen ears picked up the quiet snickering.

"Someone owes me a new milkshake"
I said in their direction

"I don't think so bud, get the girl to pay for it. She was the one in the way."
One of them snapped

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