Chapter Twelve

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Maya's pov
I was holding the hose, directing it at the flames, when I saw them running out with two stretchers. Ripley and Ben were carrying one of them, and Vic and Travis were carrying another. As they got closer, I realised that I recognised the person on the stretcher that Ripley and Ben were carrying. Vic and Travis had stopped to redress the gauze on the other patient, as they were bleeding a lot, so I couldn't really see them. "Is that Captain Sullivan?" I shouted at them. Ripley looked up at me and nodded. After telling Dean to turn the hose off, I ran over, and the rest of 19 followed me. "What happened?" I asked. Sullivan had only been at the station a day, but that still makes him one of us.
"Where is she?" Sullivan asked Ripley, panic evident in his voice.
Rather than answering my question, Ripley answered him first, "Hughes and Montgomery have her Robert, they're doing everything they can." I noticed as a tear fell down our Captains face.
"I need to see her again before we go," he said.
"You can see her after you've both been checked out at the hospital, we can't waste anymore time or we risk both of your conditions deteriorating, and you know that," Ripley replied, before telling us all to move out of the way. I wondered who they were talking about. None of us know anything about the Captain yet, but it was clear that he cared about whoever was on the other stretcher a lot. I decided to go and see, and also help Vic and Travis while I'm there.
As I ran over, I paused in shock. "No," I said in barely a whisper. Vic and Travis had just picked up the stretcher again and were moving towards the aid car, but I managed to catch a glimpse of the patients face. Except it wasn't just a patient. It was my best friend. It was Andy. "Wait!" I shouted as Vic and Travis were loading her onto the aid car. They turned around to look at me before carrying on with what they were doing. I ran over to them. "I'm coming with you," I said.
"Okay," Vic said, before putting a hand on my arm. "We need to get going now though, she needs to get to the hospital." I nodded and a tear slipped down my cheek. As Vic pulled me into a hug, I wiped it away. Now wasn't the time for weakness. Not when my best friends life is hanging in the balance.
Me and Vic were in the back of the ambulance with Andy, who was still unconscious, and Travis was driving. "What happened?" I asked Vic quietly. She glanced up at me, confused.
"Huh?" She asked.
"With Andy," I replied.
"Oh, we found her with the ceiling panel in her chest, she's lost a lot of blood from that, and she has deep cuts in her head and legs," Vic explained, but I shook my head.
"Not that, I can see that by looking at her. I mean why was she there?" I asked impatiently.
"Oh um... I'm not sure... I don't.. She was probably just getting coffee on her way home or... something like that I don't know," Vic stuttered and I rolled my eyes.
"I know she was there with Sullivan. I saw him on the other stretcher and he was terrified, but not about himself, about Andy. Except... I didn't know it was Andy when I saw him like that. I remember thinking God he must love whoever's on that stretcher so much. I could tell that just by the way he was begging Ripley to let him see her. I thought maybe he had a wife... or a kid or something, I don't know. But it was Andy. There's definitely something going on between them. So what I was asking, is if you know what they were doing there together?" I explained, and Vic's eyes widened. She stayed silent for a few moments, as if thinking about what she was going to say next.
"I... I don't know, but I agree that somethings going on. I mean, like you said, Sullivan was a mess. He didn't even care what happened to him, he just wanted Andy to be okay," Vic muttered, and I nodded in agreement. We sat in silence for a few seconds, before Andy suddenly started coughing and gasping for air. She tried to sit up, but Vic and I held her down.
"Andy you need to stay still, you can't risk moving the ceiling panel or you could make your injuries worse," I said, speaking loudly above the noise of the sirens and her fighting against us to get up.
"Where... Where is he? Is he okay? Is Robert... Is Robert okay?" She coughed, still struggling to breathe properly. I glanced over trying to catch Vic's eye but she wouldn't look at me.
"We don't know about Sullivan's condition right now Andy, he's on the other aid car, but last time I saw him he was conscious and talking. He was worried about you though, he kept asking for you. I'll find out how he is for you as soon as we get to the hospital," Vic told Andy, taking her hand in hers.
"Thank you," Andy whispered quietly.

A/n: Sorry it's such a short chapter, I wanted to put it out as I haven't updated in a while. I also wanted to say I've just finished watching the most recent episode and it was... very dramatic. I loved the parts with Andy and Robert salsa dancing at the start! But the ending was horrible, Dean and Robert and the girls Mom did nothing wrong, they shouldn't of gotten arrested! Robert was trying to protect Andy, he was trying to protect his wife, and Dean was trying to protect the girls Mom. And they both risked their own lives to save those two girls. I can't wait until March, it ended on such a cliffhanger! Anyways, I will try to update quicker this time!

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