Chapter Thirty

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Robert's pov
I was tired. I was so, so tired. But I couldn't sleep. I didn't want to. Every time I fell asleep, I had the same dream. That Andy was never going to wake up, that she was dead.
So I didn't sleep. The only time I could sleep for more than ten minutes without a nightmare was when I was sat in that chair, holding Andy's hand. But even then, I only got about half an hour, and I still had the nightmare.
I took Andy's hands in mine and laid my head on her side. I was just planning on resting my eyes for five minutes, not falling asleep.
But I must of done at some point, because sure enough, I woke up half an hour later. Andy was still there, she was still breathing, even if she was in a coma.
It had felt so real, but seeing her when I wake up is proof that it wasn't. I sighed and stood up. Dr Grey had bought the duffel bag back last night but I didn't have the energy to unpack it again. So I did it now.
I put the photo frames and the candle on the small table beside Andy's bed, and threw the blanket over her. Then I sat back down.
It had been a week. And she still wasn't awake. But I still didn't leave. I don't care how long I'm sitting here, I don't want her to be alone.
Not while she's asleep, and not when she eventually wakes up. So I sat, and after a while, I grabbed one of the photos and looked at it, remembering the good times we've had together. And begging that there would be more to come.

Meredith's pov
I was starting to get worried about Robert, and so was everyone else. He looks like he hasn't slept in days, and the nurses say that he is always awake when they go to check on Andy.
I didn't know what to do about it, so I go to speak to Bailey.
"Bailey I'm worried about Robert. He's hardly slept since Andy's been in a coma, it's can't be good for him," I said as I sat down beside her on the couch in the attending's lounge.
"Look, I agree that it's not healthy, but there's nothing really we can do. He's worried about Andy, that's only natural. He probably just doesn't want to miss it if she wakes up," Bailey said and I knew she was right.
"That's the thing though, what if she doesn't wake up. Andy's my friend, I want her to wake up as much as everyone else does, but as a doctor, I know it's not certain," I said, sighing.
"I know, cases like this are always hard, but it's even worse when we know the patient," she said, putting a hand on my arm. We sat in silence for a few minutes before Bailey spoke up. "There is one option, but I'm not sure it'll be that good for him either."
"What is it?" I asked.
"A sedative. But if he's having nightmares, and that's one of the reasons why he doesn't sleep, then that'll only make them worse, because he won't be able to wake up from them straight away," she suggested.
"It's worth a try. I'll suggest it to him later," I said.

Travis' pov
We had just finished our shift, and I'd decided that I was going to go and see Andy. I would've seen if the rest of the team wanted to come, but they'd all gone home already and probably wanted to rest. I drove to the hospital and when I got in I went to reception. I already knew where Andy's room was, I just wanted to make sure it was okay for me to visit.
"I'm here to see Andrea Herrera please," I asked the receptionist and they gave me her room number. Which I already knew, but if they gave it to me that means it's okay for me to go and see her.
I walked up to her room, and I wasn't expecting what I saw. Captain Sullivan was in there. He was sat in a chair beside her bed, holding both of Andy's hands in his, and he had his head resting on her side. My eyes scanned the room and I spotted some framed photos of the two of them on the bedside table.
As I was watching, Sullivan started to twitch in his sleep. Before he even started to cry and move around more, I knew what was happening. Even from what I've seen just now, it's clear that he loves Andy, so having her in a coma must be hard for him. I know from personal experience. Which is why I knew that he was probably having a nightmare about her not waking up.
I walked into the room and started to shake him awake.
"Captain, Captain wake up," I said. After a few moments, he woke up, tears streaming down his face. I stayed silent as he looked over at Andy, realising that she was still here and that it was all a cruel, horrible dream.
"I'm sorry Montgomery, I'll leave you and Andy for a few minutes. Um, please don't tell anyone about all of this, about me and Andy," he said.
"I won't, I promise," I said. He was about to go out of the room when I called after him.
"Captain, wait," I shouted and he turned to look at me expectantly. "My husband, Michael, a few years before he passed, he had severe brain injuries and slipped into a coma. I didn't sleep for weeks, until he woke up, and when I did, I had nightmares, every time. I was terrified he wasn't going to wake up. But he did, and so will Andy," I said, trying to reassure him. He sighed and sat back down.
"Andy and I were together for a long time, we loved each other so much, but then the board found out about us. My first day as captain was the first day we'd seen each other since. We went to get coffee so we could talk, and then there was the explosion, and I nearly lost her again. We've been together since then, we still love each other. I love her so damn much and I can't lose her. She has to wake up, she has to. And the nightmares, they seem so real. They make me think that she's really gone, every single time. And, what if she wakes up and I'm asleep, or not here. I have to be there for her," he said, breaking down. I wasn't sure what to do. He needed a friend right now, I could see that, but he's my boss. I reached across and put a hand on his arm, and he smiled at me gratefully.
"Thank you Montgomery."

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