Chapter Twenty-Six

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Lucas' pov
Vic had spent the night at my house again last night. I knew that after what happened with Herrera she would be upset, and I didn't want her to be alone.
We drove to work in separate cars like we always do, but we arrived at similar times. I walked in and shouted to everyone that line up was in five.
When the team was stood in the barn, they looked around expectantly. All except Vic and Bishop. "Where's Andy and Sullivan?" Montgomery asked, and I made eye contact with Vic.
"Andy had an appointment to get her stitches checked and Dr Grey said that she has to stay in the hospital for a while. Something about an infection needing to clear," Vic said, and once again I was surprised at how quick she came up with something.
"What about Sullivan?" Warren asked.
"Uh, I'm not sure, but he could be doing physical therapy for his leg, I'm pretty sure I saw him with Dr Lincoln when I went to see Andy," Vic said and I nodded.
"Yeah, that's what he told me," I said.
"Anyway, Hughes and Montgomery you're on aid car. Bishop and Miller on ladder and Gibson and Warren on engine with me. For now you can get on with your chores," I told them. Everyone started to head off, except Vic.
"Bishop can I talk to you somewhere private please," she said.
"Well there's no one else here so whatever you want to say say it now," Bishop muttered. The rest of the team had gone up to the beanery, and they couldn't see me where I was stood, so they probably they probably thought I was in the captains office.
"Okay, you know what I will. What the hell were you thinking?" Vic whisper-shouted, not wanting anyone to hear her.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Bishop smirked.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about Bishop, and you also know that I could call the police right now and get you arrested for what you did to Andy," she said.
"We both know you wouldn't do that," Bishop said.
"Really? Watch me," Vic said, getting her phone out of her pocket.
"Wait Vic, please don't, I'm sorry," she begged starting to panic. I know I should probably intervene, but Vic was doing the right thing. Bishop had put Herrera in a coma, she deserves to pay for that.
"You're sorry? Try telling that to Andy. Oh wait, you can't because you put her in a coma," Vic snapped, tears in her eyes. She dialled something into her phone and it started to ring.
"Police department please. Hi yes, my friend got assaulted yesterday and- No she's not okay, she's in a coma. Well I have the person that did it with me right now. Station 19. Yes it's a fire station. Thank you I'll see you soon," Vic said into the phone, pausing every now and then when the person on the other end said something.
As she put the phone down she glanced over and saw me listening. I motioned to her to come over and she sighed. "Warren," she shouted as she saw him passing. "Make sure Bishop stays here until I get back," she ordered him.
"Uh sure, but why?" He asked confused.
"Just do it, you'll find out soon enough," Vic told him before walking over to me. In silence we walked up to my office, but when the door was locked and the blinds were closed, she broke down.
"Come here," I said, as I sat down. Still crying, she walked over and sat on my lap where I had pointed. "You did the right thing. I know it was hard but it was the right thing to do. It's okay, you're going to be okay," I whispered into her ear to comfort her, but she just started crying even more.
"But Andy... s-she might not be," Vic stuttered through tears. I didn't know what to say, so instead I brought her head down to my chest and stroked her hair gently. After a while, she had started to calm down, and she had stopped crying. "I'm sorry," she said as she sat up.
"What for?" I asked.
"I got your shirt all wet," she said, and I looked down and laughed.
"Well in that case, you'll have to make it up to me later," I teased, and she smiled.
"Happy to," she said, but then we heard someone pulling up outside the station. I put my hand on her shoulder and we walked out of the office and down to the lobby.
"It'll be okay," I whispered to her. Vic still had tear stains down her cheeks but that was the least of her worries right now. When we reached the lobby, there were two cops standing there.
"Are you the one that called?" One of them asked and Vic nodded. "Can you show us to the suspect please?" She nodded again.
"Yes, she's just in the barn," Vic said and led them out of the room. I followed them to see that the whole team had gathered to see what was going on. The cops walked over to Bishop and pulled her hands behind her back. She had tears in her eyes and was struggling to try and get away.
"You are under arrest for assault, and attempted murder.." the cop started.
"What?! I didn't try to kill her!" Bishop shouted defensively.
"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in court. You have the right to an attorney. If you can not afford one, one will be appointed to you."
One of the cops dragged Bishop to their car, and the other stayed behind.
"Did you say you were a witness to the assault?" He asked Vic.
"I wasn't there when it happened, Chief Ripley and I came shortly after with the aid car," she said.
"Were there any witnesses?" He asked.
"Uh, yes. Captain Sullivan, but he's at the hospital with... her," Vic said, even though the team had probably realised what was going on by now.
"Can you state the victims full name?"
"Umm... Can we do this outside please?" She asked, and the cop nodded. When Vic, the cop and myself were outside she continued, "Andrea Herrera."
"Thank you, we will need you both to come to the station to answer a few more questions, along with Mr Sullivan," the cop said.
"Like now? Because we're in the middle of shift," Vic said.
"You can come after your shift, but only because you are first responders and we understand how important what you do is," he said.
"Thank you, we will drop by later. Are you able to question Captain Sullivan at the hospital? He won't want to leave Herrera," I asked.
"Yes, we will send Officer Tanner later," the cop said before leaving. As he left, I put my hands on Vics shoulders and led her back into the station.
"Chief what just happened?" Montgomery asked and everyone looked at me expectantly.
"Give me a second," I told them. As I was leading Vic up the stairs to the captains office, she started to cry, and her legs went weak. Not caring that the whole team could see, I picked her up and carried her the rest of the way. When we got there, I opened the door to the bunk and laid her down. "Stay here, I'll be back in a minute. I'm going to have to tell them what really happened," I said, and she nodded.
Then, I went to face the team.
"As you've probably guessed by now, we haven't been completely honest with you. Herrera isn't in hospital because of an infection, she's in hospital because she's in a coma. Bishop... Bishop beat her up pretty bad, and we're not sure when or even if she's going to wake up. Captain Sullivan was the one who found her, and he is with her now," I told them, and then I went back up to Vic. She needed me more than they did right now.

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