Chapter Twenty-Two

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Robert's pov
I smiled at the sight in front of me. Andy was curled up, fast asleep, her head on my chest. It was the perfect way to wake up. We only had two more days left until we both had to go back to work, desk duty and paperwork only. As much as I was excited about going back, I was really going to miss the days of lounging around the house with the woman I love.
While I was thinking about all this, Andy started to stir. She blinked a few times, adjusting to the light, before looking me in the eye and smiling. As my lips brushed hers, I could help but think about how perfect this moment was. "Good morning babe," I said.
"Morning," she said sleepily.
"What do you want to do today?" I asked.
"How about we go out for lunch? We've haven't left the house for almost a week, and as nice as that is, I think it's time we get some fresh air," Andy suggested, and I nodded in agreement.
"Lunch sounds great," I said. After a few more minutes of just laying there together, we both got up. "You get dressed and ready, I'm going to make you breakfast," I told Andy.
"Ooo okay," she said, smiling. I pressed a quick kiss to her lips, before heading downstairs. I started to get ingredients out to make pancakes before mixing the batter and pouring it into a frying pan. After I had made enough pancake, I piled them all onto a plate and drizzled syrup over them. Not long after, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.
"Perfect timing, I've just finished the pancakes," I said, turning around to face Andy.
"Ooo I love pancakes!" She exclaimed.
"I remembered," I smirked. I put the plate down on the table and we sat down opposite each other. We ate the pancakes, occasionally feeding each other just for the fun of it. After we had finished, I went upstairs to get changed and then we headed out. We had decided to go for a short walk before lunch. I couldn't walk far because of my leg, but the doctor had said that exercise will help speed up the recovery. We strolled through the park, hand in hand, talking about anything that came to mind. Before I met Andy, I didn't open up to anyone, but it's easy to talk to her. I feel like I can tell her anything, and I hope she feels the same way. Soon enough, we reached a cafe near the park. We decided to order out and find a picnic table somewhere to eat it, since it was a nice day. Also, I guess we were both a bit nervous about sitting in after what happened at the coffee shop. We ordered a large portion of chips to share, two chocolate chip muffins and two iced drinks. Then, we walked a little while until we found a clean picnic table.
"Are you having a nice day so far?" I asked, whilst we were eating.
"Yes thanks, I'm having an amazing day, because I get to spend it with you. Are you having a nice day?" Andy smiled at me.
"Yes, because I get to spend it with you," I replied, quoting her. I smiled back, and then we finished our food. "What do you want to do now?" I asked, and Andy thought for a moment.
"I don't mind, you pick," she said.
"I have a surprise for you tomorrow so how about we go home and get some rest for now," I suggested.
"Ooo, I'm excited now," Andy said, clapping her hands and grinning. I laughed slightly before grabbing her hand.

*time skip to next day, about 5pm, Andy's pov*

Robert grabbed my hand while I was driving and I smiled over at him. I had no idea where we were going, Robert insisted on keeping it a surprise. Seeing as I had to drive because of his leg, he was just giving me directions on where to go. After about fifteen minutes of driving, we pulled into a parking lot. We got out the car, and started to walk hand in hand. "You gonna tell me where we're going now?" I asked.
"Fine. Now I know it's not much, but there's not much we can do seeing as we both have to take it easy because of our surgeries. I booked us tickets to the cinema to see the sequel to that movie we watched the other day that you really liked. And then we're going to a restaurant for dinner," he told me and I smiled.
"It sounds perfect," I said, and I genuinely thought that. I love how much thought Robert put into planning this evening. It was simple, but romantic, and perfect.
We took our seats in the cinema, Robert was holding the popcorn we were sharing and the soda was in the cup holders on the chair. As the film started, I snuggled into Robert, resting my head in the crook of his neck. He put his arm around me, rubbing my shoulder gently. Every so often one of us would reach to grab a handful of popcorn, but that was the only time either of us moved during the entire film. When the credits started, I was so comfortable that I didn't want to get up. "Mmm can't we just stay here a bit longer," I begged when Robert tried to stand up, causing him to laugh.
"Well I made us a reservation at that Italian restaurant you like, but if you'd rather stay here, then that's fine by me," he said, shrugging his shoulders. All of a sudden, I shot up out of my seat.
"I love that restaurant!" I squealed excitedly, getting us a few judging looks from the other people that were still here.
"Then let's get going," Robert laughed, and I happily took his hand and walked out.
We drove to the restaurant and then sat down at the table that Robert had reserved for us. After a few minutes, the waiter came over to ask us what drinks we wanted, and Robert ordered a glass of red wine while I just got water because I was driving. We sat for a while looking over the menus until we were ready to order. Robert ordered first, getting a dish called Tortellini Alla Papalina. Then I ordered a dish called Lasagna Di Nonna Marcella. When the food came, we sat in silence eating it.
"You wanna try some of mine?" Robert asked and I nodded. He got some on his fork and leant across the table to feed it to me.
"Mmm that's so nice," I mumbled as I swallowed it. I then did the same thing, letting Robert try some of mine. After we finished our main courses, we ordered a share bowl of ice cream for dessert. We ate that, before paying and heading home, as it was starting to get late. When we got in, we decided to go straight to bed, as tomorrow is our first day back at work.

A/n: Hey guys! Sorry it took me so long to update and that it's a shorter chapter. I'm working on a new fanfiction that I got an idea for, so I won't be updating as regularly. If you want to check it out, the first chapter should be up in the next few days! Also, I haven't proof reas this chapter yet, so sorry if there's any mistakes

UPDATE: The first chapter of my new story is up! Feel free to check it out :)

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