Chapter Seven

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Andy's pov
As soon as shift ended, I grabbed my bag from my locker and got ready to leave. I was about to walk out when I saw Robert walking out of his office. At that moment he glanced over and caught my eye. I knew I needed to go and get ready so I just smiled at him and headed to my car. As I drove home, I thought about what I was going to wear.
When I got home, I went to my closet and stared at my selection of clothes. It was just coffee, I reminded myself. I wanted something casual, so it didn't look like I was trying too hard, but not so casual that it seemed like this didn't mean anything to me.
Eventually, I decided on a grey knitted jumper and ripped jeans:

Checking the time, I saw that I had about 20 minutes before I needed to leave

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Checking the time, I saw that I had about 20 minutes before I needed to leave. Just enough time to do my hair and makeup. I took my hair out of the ponytail it had been in all day for work and brushed it. Then, I got my curling iron out of my drawer and began to curl it. When I had done that, I did my makeup, which I kept fairly light. 4:48. I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs. I needed to give myself enough time to get there as I really didn't want to be late. I was starting to get even more excited and nervous, but I knew I couldn't back out now. Grabbing my keys off the kitchen counter I left my house and drove to the address that Robert had texted me.
When I pulled up to the coffee shop a few minutes later, I realised I was a bit early. 4:55. Only five minutes early, but still. I didn't know if Robert was here yet, but I decided to go in and see. If he wasn't, I could just find us a table and wait inside.
As I stepped into the coffee shop, I paused just inside the door and scanned the room, looking for Robert. A few seconds later, I spotted him. He was sat at a table in the corner, wearing a sweatshirt and jeans. As I looked over, I saw his head snap up, and then he just stared at me. Did I dress up too much? Or not enough? Despite my nerves, I smiled and made my way over. "Hey," I said as I took a seat opposite Robert. He smiled back at me and all of a sudden all of my nerves went away. It was almost like old times. Even after all this time he could still make me feel... he could still make me feel. In a way that nobody else has ever been able to. After all this time, I still love him.

Robert's pov
I was just walking out of my office, and was about to leave when I saw Andy in reception. At that moment, she happened to glance up, and I caught her eye. A few seconds later, she smiled at me, before turning around and leaving. Leaving to get ready for our coffee date. No, I shouldn't call it that. We're just talking. The door swinging shut behind her snapped me out of my thoughts. I had to get going so I was ready in time, I really didn't want to be late.
When I got home, I went to my bedroom to decide what to wear. It didn't take me long to decide, as I don't have that many options that weren't too fancy, but weren't too casual either. I grabbed a blue button up shirt out of my closet and put it on with some jeans.

I checked my watch and realised I still had a bit of time before I had to leave so I grabbed a book to read for a few minutes

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I checked my watch and realised I still had a bit of time before I had to leave so I grabbed a book to read for a few minutes. As I sat on my couch, I knew there was no way I could concentrate. My mind just kept wondering to Andy. That had been happening all day, which wasn't great when I was supposed to be working. But now, I'm not at work, I'm about to go and get coffee with her. I was really excited, but I didn't want to get my hopes up. She's probably moved on. I really hope she hasn't, but I can't expect that she hasn't seen anyone for all these years. Just because I haven't, doesn't mean that Andy hasn't, I reminded myself.
4:40. The coffee shop that we were going to was only about 10 minutes away at the most, but I figured that it wouldn't matter if I was a bit early. And also, that way I can make sure we get a table.
As I was driving, the nerves started to kick in. What if Andy has moved on? What if she doesn't like me anymore? What if we have another argument? What if it all goes wrong..? There are so many things that could go wrong, and I couldn't stop myself from running through different scenarios in my head.
Soon, I arrived at the coffee shop parking lot. I parked my car, but then I just sat there for a couple of seconds to calm myself down. Even though I knew Andy wouldn't be here yet, I was still nervous about going inside. Because once I've gone in, there's no turning back. Not that I want to, at least I won't if it all goes right. But I know that if it goes wrong, I will be wishing that I could turn back the clock to this moment before I go in. Taking a deep breath, I got out and walked into the coffee shop. Skimming the room, I spotted a table in the corner, away from everyone else. I walked over and sat down, before pulling my phone out of my pocket. 4:55. Andy probably won't be here for a few more minutes. At least that's what I thought.
I glanced up and saw her walking through the door. I couldn't help but stare at her, she looks just as gorgeous as I remember. She's wearing a grey jumper with ripped jeans, and her hair is in curls around her face. She looks beautiful.
When Andy spotted me, she smiled and headed over. "Hey," she says, taking a seat opposite me. I smile back at her.
"Hey," I reply. And all of a sudden my nerves are gone, and for a second everything is perfect. Because the woman I love, even after all this time, is sat right across from me, with a smile on her face, and I know that nothing can ruin this moment.

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