Chapter Twenty-Four

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Robert's pov
Andy and I were laid in bed the next morning about to get up for shift. "Move in with me. You're basically living here anyway, and I love spending this much time together. I love you. So move in with me for real," I blurted out. I started to think that maybe this was too soon, but then Andy looked up at me, grinning.
"Really?" She asked, the grin never leaving her face, and I nodded.
"Yup, really," I confirmed, and she leant up and kissed me.
"Yes, of course I'll move in with you," she said excitedly, and I kissed her again.
"Do you want to get the rest of your things after shift?" I asked eagerly.
"Yeah! But um... do you mind coming with me? It's stupid but if Maya is there I really don't want to have to talk to her," Andy said nervously.
"Of course, we'll go on our way back from the station if you want?" I suggested and she nodded.
*time skip to after their shift*
I followed Andy to her old apartment in my car seeing as we still can't risk anyone finding out about us. When we got there, Andy said she'll meet me up there after I've found somewhere to park my car. It only took me a few minutes before I was heading up, trying to find the apartment number that she'd told me.
Suddenly, I heard a scream. I recognised that voice, I thought, and the fear came creeping in. I ran around the corner, as quick as I could with crutches, to where I had heard Andy scream only moments before. When I walked into the apartment nothing could've prepared me for what I saw. Andy was laying on the floor unconscious, and Bishop was stood over her, about to kick her again.
"Bishop get the hell away from Herrera," I shouted, but she didn't listen. As she bought her boot down to Andy's stomach, I ran over and shoved her out of the way. Not hard enough to hurt her, although right now, I really wanted to. I crouched down beside Andy and felt her wrist for a pulse. It was there, but way weaker than it should be. "Andy please, Andy wake up," I begged her. That's when I noticed the blood. It was in a pool beneath her, but I had no clue where it was coming from. This can't be happening. I knew Bishop would be angry at Andy, but not this bad. I couldn't believe she'd done this. I looked around to see where she was, but she must of left the apartment.
I lifted Andy's shirt up and realised that her stitches had ripped open, and that's where most of the blood was probably coming from. There was already a bruise forming around the open wound on her stomach from where Bishop had kicked her. I looked up at Andy's face, and saw more blood in her hair, and another bruise already forming around her eye.
Panicking, I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and quickly scrolled through my contacts.
(R-Robert L-Lucas)
R- Luke have you left the station yet?
L- No, I was just about to leave. Sully is something wrong?
R- Yes, it's Andy. Is Hughes there?
L- Yeah she's with me.
R- I'm not even going to comment on that. I need you both to come in aid car to Andy's old apartment, the one that she shared with Bishop.
L- Why? What happened?
R- I'll tell you when you get here. But bring Hughes and don't let anyone else know where you're coming. And Luke, please hurry up, I can't lose her.
L- We're on our way now. Vic says she knows where the apartment is and we should be there in three minutes tops.
I hung up the phone before looking around frantically for something to use to stop the bleeding. Eventually, I just grabbed a tea towel. This will have to do, I thought to myself. I held pressure to the wound, and instantly felt the blood seeping through to my hands. I let go with one hand to check Andy's pulse again. I felt her wrist but there was no pulse. Panicking, I checked her neck too, but nothing. As I started to do cpr, I felt a tear roll down my cheek. "Andy please, I can't lose you, you have to wake up," I cried, begging that Luke would get here soon.
As if he could hear my thoughts, a few seconds later the door burst open and Luke and Hughes ran in. "What the hell happened?" Hughes shouted.
"Bishop, she did this," I said, my voice barely a whisper. Luke took over compressions and Hughes started packing her wound. I stumbled backwards, leaning against the counter for support. This couldn't be happening. This is the second time I have felt like I'm about to lose Andy since I came back and I was begging that this time she will make it through again. I couldn't lose her.
I don't know how long I was stood there for, but soon they were loading Andy onto a stretcher, and shouting at me to follow them if I wanted to ride in aid car. As quickly as I could, I ran after them. Hughes was now stood on the side of the stretcher doing compressions on Andy and Luke was pushing the gurney down the hall.
In the aid car, I sat and held Andy's hand as soon as she had a pulse. She was alive. When we pulled up at the hospital, Dr Bailey, Dr Grey and Dr Shepherd were waiting for us.
"Female, 30, open abdomen wound and bruising, possible internal bleeding, deep laceration to the head," Vic told them as they unloaded the gurney from the aid car.
"Herrera? What happened?" Dr Grey said in shock when she realised who it was.
"It's a long story," Vic said. Dr Grey nodded.
"Get her into trauma one!" She shouted as she ran alongside the gurney into the hospital. I stood in the ambulance bay, feeling unable to move. After a few moments, an intern came to take us to the waiting room. When we got there, I sat down in a chair, as close to the doors as possible.
It was only then that I looked down at myself. My clothes and hands were covered in blood. Andy's blood. Knowing that there wasn't going to be an update on Andy for a while, I stood up, even though my legs felt weak. I grabbed my crutches and headed to the nearest bathroom.
I turned on the tap and let the water rinse my hands. I watched as it turned red from the blood and ran down the sink. After drying my hands, I leant back against the wall.
I couldn't stop the tear by now, so I just let myself fall apart. My legs folded beneath me and I sat on the floor crying, my head in my hands. I just couldn't stop, I couldn't believe this was happening. I always thought that if something ever happened to Andy, it would be to do with our job. I was so mad at Bishop, this is all her fault. It's her fault that the women I love is in the ER right now. For all I know Andy could die. I don't know what I'd do if that happens. I can't live without Andy again, that much I know.
I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear someone else coming into the bathroom.
"Uh, excuse me? Are you okay? You're bleeding," someone said, and I looked up to see a doctor with a concerned look on his face.
"It's not my blood, it's my girlfriends," I told him as I stood up wiping my eyes. "I'm Robert Sullivan, Captain of Station 19."
"Alex Karev, Head of Paediatric Surgery," he introduced himself. "If you don't mind me asking what exactly happened to your girlfriend?" He asked and I sighed.
"It's a long story, but basically her ex best friend beat her up, and I found her," I told Alex and he looked at me sympathetically.
"Why would she do that?" He asked.
"Andy and I were together, a long time ago, but because of our different ranks we ended up breaking up. Then not long ago I became Captain at her station and we got back together. We went to get coffee after shift and there was an explosion, we both ended up having surgery. Nobody at the station knew about us, but she told one of her friends. And then long story short her other friend got jealous and said some things about me. Then Andy got mad and punched her, that was a week ago now. They used to be roommates but Andy was moving in with me so we went to get her stuff from their old apartment. Andy went up first and when I got there she was on the floor bleeding, a lot, and her friend was still stood kicking her. Now I don't even know if she's going to make it. I can't lose her again, I can't," I said as I broke down crying again. I couldn't believe I'd just told someone who is basically a stranger mine and Andy's entire story. God he probably didn't even care, he was just asking to be nice.
"I'm so sorry. I could try and get an update if you gave me her full name?" Alex suggested.
"Thank you so much. It's Andrea Herrera," I told him gratefully.
"No problem. If you wait in the waiting room I will tell you as soon as I find anything out," he said and I nodded. 
I was sat in the waiting room, Hughes and Luke sat a few seats away, when Dr Grey, Dr Bailey, Dr Shepherd and Alex all walked in. I couldn't read their faces, but I knew they were about to tell me whether Andy was alive or not.

A/n: Sorry I haven't updated in so long! Also I haven't proof read this chapter yet so sorry if there's any mistakes.

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