Chapter Ten

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A/n: Just for context, this is before Vic and Ripley get together.
Vic's pov
As Warren and I were gearing up to try and get into the coffee shop, Ripley ran over to us. "Hughes, Warren, I just wanted to tell you to be careful in there, and if anything happens just radio me and I'll come straight in," he said, and I couldn't tell he was genuinely worried. Wow, it was definitely bad if even the fire chief was getting worried.
"Thank you sir," I replied, "And we will be careful." He nodded at me, and then I followed Warren around the side of the building. Eventually, we found an entrance that wasn't completely blocked, and made our way inside. "Warren you start that side, I'll start this side, try to treat and evacuate as many people as you can, but I hate to say that with how bad this fire is, a lot of them might be gone already," I said sadly. He nodded, and ran off to where I had pointed. I started to go in the opposite direction, and prepared myself for the amount of injuries I was going to have to treat today. I just hope we can save as many people as possible.
I was searching for any civilian I could see to help, when all of a sudden I saw a familiar bag under a pile of rubble. I grabbed it, and sure enough, inside was Andy's phone. Oh god this couldn't be happening. I remembered her saying her and Sullivan were going for coffee, but I didn't realise they were coming here! As I took a few steps forward, I saw them both. Andy was trapped underneath something, a ceiling panel by the looks of it, and she was bleeding a lot. And Sullivan was only a few feet away from her, also in a very bad way. "WARREN! I NEED YOU OVER HERE NOW!" I shouted. I waited a few seconds before I got a reply.
"GIVE ME A SECOND," he replied and I started to get mad.
"WARREN I SAID NOW I NEED YOU HERE NOW PLEASE WARREN!" He must of heard the panic in my voice, because at that moment he came running towards me.
"What's wrong?" he asked. I opened my mouth to tell him, but no words came out. My breath caught in my throat and I struggled to breath properly. Then everything went slightly blurry and I felt unsteady on my feet. What was going on? I felt Ben grab hold of me to steady me.
"Vic, I need you to calm down, come on breath with me. In, and out, in, and out. Breathe Vic, that's it, well done," he comforted me, until the feeling of dizziness passed and I could breathe again. I took a deep breath.
"It's Andy," I whispered, "And Captain Sullivan. She said they were going to get coffee so they could talk but I didn't know they were here." A look of panic crossed Bens face as he finally noticed them on the floor.
He grabbed his radio off of his belt and spoke into it, "Ripley this is Warren, we need you in here now, and only you." It was probably a smart idea for now, if the team found out that two of their own were injured - even if they didn't know one of them that well yet - there was no way in hell they would be able to work properly. I knew we could only keep it hidden for a little bit as they would see as soon as we bought them outside, but it was better than nothing.
"Copy that, I will be in ASAP," Ripleys voice echoed through the radio. As we waited for Ripley to come in, Warren and I ran over to Andy and Sullivan. When we took a proper look, we realised that there was in fact, a ceiling panel corner first in Andy's stomach. And if that wasn't enough she had really bad cuts on her head and her leg, which were really deep, . As for Sullivan, his leg was quite obviously broken, and he had a shard of glass stabbing him in the chest. I really hope they both pull through this. Andy is one of my best friends, I don't know what I'd do without her. And I don't know what she would do without Sullivan. She would never be able to cope if she lost him again, that much I could tell.
A few moments later, Ripley came running in. "Hughes, Warren, what is it?" He asked, confused about why we had told him to come in and not any of the others. Before we had a chance to say anything, he spotted Andy. "Oh my god Herrera, what the hell happened? Damn it how am I supposed to tell Robert if anything happens to her!" He shouted, kicking some of the rubble. I know that usually he would be more careful about not saying anything in front of Warren and I, but our priority now was keeping them alive, not keeping their secrets. I walked over to him and put my hand on his arm. I know he is my boss, but he clearly needed a friend right now.
"Ripley, Sullivan's here. He must of been with Herrera when the explosion happened. I know it's hard when it's one of our own, but we need to focus on getting them out alive," I said, trying to comfort him. He looked up at me, and I saw tears forming in his eyes, but he blinked a few times and then nodded.
"The other stations have just arrived, I will get them to deal with the other civilians, whilst we help Sullivan and Herrera," he said, looking at me gratefully. I nodded and then ran outside to get two stretchers and the extra med bags.
When I came back in, both of their conditions had changed. Warren was doing cpr on Andy, being careful not to move the ceiling panel too much whilst he was doing it. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. This couldn't be happening. I couldn't lose one of my best friends. Sullivan, on the other hand, had regained consciousness, and was fighting against Ripley to try and get to Andy. I know we'd only had Sullivan as our captain for a day, but I never expected to see him like this. He was screaming and crying, begging Ripley to let him go so he could help her. Ripley explained that we needed to treat his injuries first, or he could make it worse for himself.
"I DONT CARE ABOUT ME, JUST SAVE ANDY!" He cried out. At that moment, I snapped out of my thoughts and went over to help Warren with Andy. As I took over compressions, he grabbed the defibrillator.

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