Chapter Nineteen

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Andy's pov
I was sat on the counter glaring at the door. I could feel the teams eyes on me, but I didn't acknowledge them. Robert was talking to Vic and Ripley, and I knew he was telling them what had happened, but at this point I didn't even care. I was so angry with Maya that I couldn't think straight. I honestly couldn't believe she had said those things about Robert just to hurt me. And not one thing she said about him was true, Robert's an amazing person. And Maya is, well used to be, one of my best friends. Even though she didn't know what was going on between Robert and I, I thought she would at least be supportive.
A few moments later, I heard aid car pulling into the barn. Robert must've heard it too, because he ran back into the room. He looked at me, his eyes begging me not to do anything stupid.
As Maya and Jack were walking up the corridor towards the beanery, I hopped off the counter I was sat on. I could feel tears of anger welling in my eyes, but I blinked them back.
Maya walked into the room, and I stepped closer to her. "Andy, what are you doing here?" She asked, acting surprised.
"Oh you know what I'm doing here. Maya you should never of said what you said, I warned you. None of what you said about him was true, he is an amazing person, a much better person than you'll ever be. And I told you that you would regret it, and I meant it," I snarled at her, surprising even myself at how harsh and cold my voice sounded. Before I could think about what I was doing, I had Maya pinned against the wall. I swung my fist back, before brining it back towards her face. I put all of my anger into the punch, which trust me, was a lot. After only one punch, she was near tears.
"Andy please, I didn't mean it," she whimpered.
"Yeah well you made it pretty clear earlier that you meant every word of it," I said, punching her again.
"Andy, stop, please, I'm so sorry, I won't say anything like that again," she cried.
"Eres tan patético, que resultas entrañable," I laughed sarcastically, even though I knew Robert was the only other person in the room who could speak Spanish. I swung my fist to punch her again, but someone grabbed my wrist from behind. I turned my head slightly to see that it was Robert. Him, Vic and Ripley had been shouting at me to stop but I hadn't been paying any attention. I glanced the other way to see the rest of the team sat staring at me, stunned.
"Andy, come on, you need to stop now. I know you're angry, but you just need to try and calm down a bit," Robert said softly. I looked into his eyes and he was silently trying to comfort me.
I then looked back at Maya, who I still had pinned against the wall with the arm that Robert wasn't holding. She had tears in her eyes, which was kind of pathetic seeing as she basically brought it on herself. She was bleeding too, from her lip and her head, and I bet by tomorrow she'd have a black eye.
I turned back to Robert and saw that he was silently begging me with his eyes not to punch her again. That's when I realised what I had done. I'd just risked my career by punching Maya. The fire chief was literally stood a few feet away, and even if he wasn't, Maya would likely of reported me. I let go of her and started to break down in tears. What have I done? I started to cry silently, and then my legs went weak underneath me. I slid to the floor and sat there in tears. With a bit of difficulty because of his leg, Robert sat beside me. He pulled me closer to him and put one arm around my shoulder. With his other hand, he gently brushed the tears off my cheeks and then cupped my face. I tried to look away but he turned my face towards him again.
"Andy, look at me," he said. When I did, he moved his hand, and I rested my head on his chest. "You're okay, it's going to be okay. We're going to be okay. We can go home and lay in bed, or watch another movie, whatever you want. But we're going to be okay," he whispered, reassuring me. The whole team was staring at us, but by this point, that was the last thing on my mind. I was glad that Robert had managed to calm me down before I'd had a full on panic attack like earlier, because that would've caused even more of a scene, plus I didn't really want the whole team knowing about them.
"Okay," I murmured, my voice barely a whisper. Robert got up and then took my hand, helping me up. He couldn't hold my hand while we were walking out because he had to use crutches, but I linked my arm through his. As we were about to leave the beanery, I heard Maya scoffing.
"You're right you know, I did mean what I said. And this just proves I was right about something going on between you two. You're both liars. Selfish, thoughtless liars," Maya muttered quietly. But not quietly enough. I heard her, Robert heard her, and I'm pretty sure everyone else heard her. I was about to say something, but Robert spoke up before me.
"BISHOP THATS ENOUGH," he shouted, before sighing. He then continued, and he wasn't shouting anymore, but his voice was still angry and harsh. "Have you not learned by now when it's best to just shut the hell up?! And what's your problem with us anyway? You know what no, I don't even want to know. Come on Andy, let's go." I put my arm through his again and we walked to the car. As we were driving home I decided to say something to break the silence.
"I'm sorry Maya was being such a jerk today," I said quietly. Robert looked over at me and grabbed my hand that wasn't holding the steering wheel.
"That wasn't your fault Andy, you don't have to apologise for what she said or did," he said softly. A tear rolled down my cheek and I hoped that he didn't notice.
"But because of what I did to Maya, the team might find out about us... and I can't... I can't lose you again when I've just got you back. I'm so sorry Robert, I'm so so sorry, this is all my fault," I said, and by now there were more tears falling down my face.
"Hey, no. You don't get to think like that. This is not your fault, and I will not let us lose each other again. Andy what happened today was Bishops fault, not yours," Robert comforted me. Soon, we got back to his house and spent the rest of the evening doing pretty much nothing.

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