Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Robert's pov
I was pulled out of my sleep by the sound of my phone ringing. When I looked over and saw that it was Dr Grey, I started to panic. There could only be two reasons that she was calling me. One, Andy's woken up. Two, something happened that means that Andy's never going to wake up. I sure as hell hoped it was the first one.
"Dr Grey what is it? Did something happen?" I asked the second I picked up the phone.
"Robert you need to come to the hospital right now," she said, a tone to her voice that I couldn't quite read.
"Is she awake?" I asked.
"I'm afraid I'm not authorised to tell you anything over the phone, you'll have to wait till you get here," she said.
"Damn it just tell me. Please Dr Grey," I said, begging.
"I'm sorry Robert, it's against the rules. Get here as fast as you can, but remember to drive safely. Call an Uber if you don't think you can," she told me and I just hung up my phone and threw it across the room.
Sighing, I went to pick it up, and then grabbed the duffel bag I had packed earlier. I ran out to my car and started to drive.
Within minutes, I had arrived at the hospital. I sprinted inside, desperate to find out what had happened. I ran straight up to Andy's room, but when I got there, it was empty. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around, shrugging it off.
"Where the hell is Andy?" I shouted at Dr Grey, who was stood behind me.
"Why don't we find somewhere private to sit?" She suggested, and now I was certain of the tone of her voice.
"Just tell me already!" I shouted, not caring that people were starting to stare.
"Robert I'm so sorry. We did everything we could but Andy had a slow developing brain bleed caused from the trauma that we couldn't see on the head ct. She's not waking up, I'm so sorry," Dr Grey told me and I froze. This couldn't be happening. This has got to all be one big cruel joke. Andy can't be gone. I slammed my fist into the wall and started to cry.
"Robert do you want me to" I heard Dr Grey speaking.
"I want you to shut the hell up! You promised me that Andy would be okay. That you would make sure she was okay until I got back. I want Andy back, so unless you can make that happen just shut the hell up," I screamed and then I heard footsteps running towards us. I looked up to see Warren.
"Captain, Meredith, what's going on?" He asked.
"What happened is she killed the woman I love. That's what happened Warren," I snapped, tears of sadness and anger streaming down my face.
"Grey is that true?" He asked, shocked.
"Herrera had a brain bleed, there was nothing we could do. It didn't even show up on the CT," she told him. By now I had slid down the wall into a sitting position, my head in my hands.
"Wait hold on, Herrera's dead? The woman he loves is Herrera? Sullivan and Herrera? And she's dead?" Warren said in disbelief and Dr Grey nodded.
A nurse came over to me and tried to hand me a glass of water. I took it, but rather than drinking it, I threw it against the wall, narrowly missing where Dr Grey and Warren were stood.
Still crying, I reached over to the duffel bag and pulled out one of the photos I had bought with me. I wasn't going to get to take any more photos with Andy, make anymore memories with her.
I stared at the photo as my tears splashed down onto it. It was of the two of us at the beach years ago. I had picked Andy up, and was holding her bridal style. We were staring into each other's eyes, and I remember that that moment was just before we had kissed. Andy was wearing a long flowery summer dress and she had her hair out. She looked gorgeous.
I'd given my phone to a stranger that was walking by and asked them to take a photo of us. Then when we'd gotten back to my place I printed it out and framed it. And I'd kept it ever since, along with many others.
Suddenly I was bought back to reality by Luke standing beside me. I must of been sat there for a while, long enough for someone to call him and him to get here.
"Come on Sully, let's go somewhere a little quieter," he said, and this time I agreed. I picked up the duffel bag, knowing it had memories of Andy stuffed inside, and followed him to a room. I didn't pay any attention to my surroundings, I just kept putting one foot in front of the other. But the truth is I didn't want to. Without Andy, I had no one. My life wasn't worth living without her in it. I couldn't believe I'd lost her.
If only I had made her wait for me before going up to the apartment. I could've stopped Bishop, and this wouldn't even be happening right now. That's when it finally dawned on me. It was Bishops fault. Bishop had killed Andy. And I was going to make her pay.

Andy was dead. She was gone and she was never coming back. I couldn't believe it, I didn't want to believe it. But it was the horrible, horrible truth.

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