Chapter One

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Andy's Pov
We all stood in front of the Station waiting for Chief Ripley to introduce us to our new captain. I'm still really disappointed that I didn't get the job, but I'm not going to hold that against whoever the new captain is. I'm kind of excited to see who it is, but I'm kind of nervous. It will be strange to have an outsider as captain, we all thought that it would be Jack or I. But who knows, they might be an amazing captain and make the station even better. Or they might be horrible and tear down our reputation as the best station in the state. Guess we will just have to wait and see.
"Station Nineteen, I would like you all to meet your new captain, Captain Robert Sullivan," Ripley said, and I thought that I must of heard him wrong. He must've said something else and I'd misheard him, or it was just someone with the same name, right? It couldn't be him. It just couldn't. I was begging that the person that would walk around the corner in a few seconds would be someone I'd never seen before. But it looks like I really am out of luck. I felt my breath catch in my throat as I saw someone that I knew all to well walking towards us. I never thought I would see him again. I'd dreamed many times of what would happen if I did, but it was never like this. It was never at the station, it was never surrounded by my friends, my family. I was frozen. I didn't know what to say, what to do. I didn't even know if he would recognise me. All of a sudden, I started to feel sick, and faint, so I turned around and rushed into the station, hurrying towards the bathroom. I heard Ripley calling me, probably mad at me for running off before I had greeted the new captain. Except we didn't need to be introduced, that had already happened, and he knew that. I also heard Maya shouting my name, wondering what was wrong with me. I ran to the bathroom, and got there just in time. After I had finished throwing up, I leant back against the wall, exhausted. Making sure the door was locked, I let out a sob. Soon, I had tears streaming down my face, and I couldn't stop crying. I thought that the last time I had seen him was going to be the last. He was the last person I had expected to see today. But here we were. I didn't know whether I should be happy to see him, or upset. There was no denying the fact that I had missed him, a lot. But after the way that we left things, I wasn't sure what it would be like between us now. I was scared. And that's not something I admit very often. I wasn't ready to face Robert yet, or anyone to be honest, so I snook into my bunk room, locking the door behind me.

Robert's Pov
I had taken the job at Station 19 straight away when Luke had offered it to me, it had a really good reputation, plus I'd always wanted to be captain of a fire house. I'd done all the training needed to be both a firefighter, and a captain, but there was nothing that could of prepared me for what I saw when I arrived at the station. Or more accurately, who I saw.
I heard Luke saying my name, and I took that as my cue to walk out. As I turned around the corner, I looked over the firefighters one by one. But that was when I saw her. When I saw the firefighter that I knew all too well. As I looked her in the eyes, I knew that she had recognised me. I saw as she took a deep breath and then turned and ran into the station. I wanted to run after her, tell her that I was sorry about how we left things between us, but I couldn't. Nobody could know that we knew each other, that's what ruined things last time. The only person here that knew about mine and Andy's history was Luke. So why didn't he tell me that she worked here? Why didn't he at least warn me? He shouted after her, clearly mad that she had run off, and one of the other firefighters did too. I was guessing she was friends with Andy, because she called her by her first name, and seemed genuinely concerned about her. "Sir may I go see if Herrera is alright?" She spoke up. But Luke shook his head.
"No Bishop wait until I have introduced you all to Captain Sullivan," he said, in a stern voice.
Before he could say anything else, I cut in, "Could I have a word please Chief." We stepped back so that nobody could hear us and I glared at my friend. "Why didn't you tell me she was here?" I whisper shouted. He looked up at me.
"Because I knew that you wouldn't have taken the job," he replied.
"You're damn right I wouldn't of," I snapped, but then my voice softened, "I didn't think I would ever get to see her again. I know I shouldn't, but I've missed her so damn much." Luke patted my arm.
"I know," he muttered, "I'm sorry." I nodded.
"Come on let's get back and I'll introduce you to the rest of the team." We walked back over, and I saw the team looking at me skeptically, wondering why their friend had run off when she saw me. But hopefully, that was something they would never find out.

Maya's pov
We lined up outside the station, waiting to be introduced to our new captain. I was not looking forward to having an outsider as captain, especially not when my best friend should of gotten the job. Andy was acting as though she was fine with it, but I'm pretty sure that was just an act. There's no way that she is fine with some random stranger stealing the job that she wanted so badly. Honestly, I wouldn't even of minded if it had been Gibson that got captain, that would of been better than an outsider.
As Ripley told us the name of our new captain, I felt Andy tense up beside me, but I thought nothing of it to start with. She was probably just nervous to see what our new captain was going to be like. Captain Robert Sullivan, that was his name. But then, as he walked around the corner, I heard Andy gasp beside me. I turned to see her staring at the new captain, with a look of shock on her face. I was about to ask her what was wrong, when she turned and rushed back into the station. "Andy!" I called after her, wondering what on earth was wrong. I asked Ripley if I could go after her, but he said no, that I had to wait until after he had introduced us to the new captain. I watched as Sullivan stared at the door Andy had just gone through, his face matching hers only a few moments before. Something was going on. They must know each other from somewhere, why else would they be acting like this? But the question is, how did they know each other? And where from? Except chances are Andy won't tell me. And I'm not about to go and ask the new captain. So doesn't look like I will be finding out anytime soon. I glanced at Vic and she looked just as confused as I felt. She looked at me, using her eyes to silently ask me if I knew anything, but I shrugged my shoulders. Then, I heard the captain asking to talk to the chief, and they stepped back and had a hushed conversation. To start with, Sullivan looked angry, but halfway through their conversation, his expression softened, and he looked almost sad. There was something going on between him and Andy, and I wanted to know what.

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