Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Robert's pov
I woke up in a cold sweat, gasping for air. It was a dream. It was all a dream. But it felt so real. I looked over to my phone, but I had no missed calls or texts. That was a good thing, right? I also noticed that I had only been asleep for less than ten minutes. That dream, well more like nightmare, had felt like it lasted hours, not minutes.
It felt so real. I had to keep reminding myself that it wasn't. That Andy's not dead, she's alive. She's just sleeping, but she's going to wake up. She has to.
I grabbed the duffel bag and went to my car. I drove to the hospital quickly, but carefully, knowing that Dr Grey was right about not wanting us both in hospital beds. I needed to be there for Andy.
When I got to the hospital, I headed straight to Andy's room. Thankfully, she was still there, and so was Dr Grey.

Meredith's pov
I had promised Robert that I would stay with Andy, and I did exactly that. When I got paged, I just told them to page any other general surgeon. Dr Bailey, Dr Webber, Dr Wilson, anyone, just not me.
I looked down at Andy and sighed. We didn't see each other often, and we'd only met recently, but we were pretty good friends.
"Oh Herrera... Andy... You're probably getting sick of hearing this, but you really need to wake up. You're a fighter, you can get through this. And you have so many people by your side to help you. You have Robert, this is the first time he's even left your hospital room, and only because I basically forced him to. You have your dad, you have Vic, you have everyone at your station, you have me. Wake up Andy, please," I said to her. There had been studies that have shown that talking to people in a coma can increase their chances of waking up. I know that Robert has been talking to her a lot, and when he isn't, he's still here with her.
After about two hours, he was back again. Honestly, I was expecting him to be longer, but at least he had been home for a bit and freshened up.
"See, no changes," I said, as he came in the room.
"Thank you," he replied, and I noticed the tear stains on his face. I knew there was nothing I could say right now that would help, so I just left him alone with Andy, putting a hand on his shoulder as I walked out.
"How is she?" Bailey asked as I walked over to the nurses station.
"No changes," I said, shaking my head.
"Ben called. The team found out after Bishop got arrested at the station," she said.
"How did they take it?" I asked.
"I'm not sure, but he said they were all going to be coming in after their shift," Bailey told me.
"I'll have to tell Robert. The team don't know about him and Andy, although if they have any sense they'll probably of figured it out by now," I said and she nodded.
Sighing, I headed back to Andy's room to break the news to Robert.
"Robert, the team know that Andy is in a coma, they want to come an visit her. If you want, I can just tell them that she's not allowed visitors?" I suggested.
"Um, no. They're her friends, let them see her. I can just pretend I've just got here to see how she is or something," he said, and I nodded.
"I'll let you know when they're here," I said, before heading out to check on one of my other patients.

Robert's pov
I knew that when the team got here I wouldn't be able to hold Andy's hand, or talk to her, or kiss her. But I also knew that they need to see her. She would want them to be here.
It was a couple of hours before Dr Grey came to tell me that the team were in the waiting room.
"They're here," she simply said.
"Can you put this somewhere please so they won't be able to see it?" I asked handing the duffel bag to her. I'd put everything that I'd taken out back in it, so that there was no trace that I'd been here so often.
"Of course, I can put it in the attending's lounge and then bring it back when they're gone," she said.
I pulled my chair back slightly away from Andy's bed before sitting back down in it and pulling out my phone. I pretended that I was texting someone on it until the team were literally at the door then I put it down.
"Captain Sullivan, I didn't think we'd see you here," Miller commented as they walked in.
"I've just got here, I can come back later if you want," I said, although I would much rather just stay here.
"No, it's fine. Chief Ripley said that you were the one who found her so you'll probably want to stay," Montgomery said and I nodded gratefully.
"Thank you Montgomery," I replied, and I meant it. I stood back against the wall as the team talked to Andy. I noticed that Hughes and Ripley weren't here, but I guessed that they would be coming later. They had been to see Andy a couple of times, and so has Pruitt, but they know that I will be here all the time and will call them if there are any changes.
After about an hour, the team stood up to leave.
"Do you know when you'll be coming back to work Captain?" Warren asked as they were about to walk out.
"I'm not sure, I've been going to physical therapy for my leg, so I might just get Ripley to send me some of the paperwork to do from home. That's all I would be doing if I was at the station anyway," I told them, and it wasn't exactly a lie. Except the physical therapy part.
I was supposed to be going, but I didn't want to leave Andy.
"Okay, well we will see you whenever we next see you then," Warren replied and I nodded.
As soon as they left, I sat back down next to Andy and held her hand in mine once again.

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