Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Robert's pov
I was sat in the same seat I had been sat in all day. And all of last night. I sat there, holding Andy's hand, and I refused to leave. At one point a nurse bought a cot in for me to sleep in, but instead of using it, I slept in the chair. Not that I slept much at all.
My back had started to ache hours ago, but still, I didn't get up, except to pace around the room. Pruitt had gone home last night, after I promised to call him if there were any changes, so it was mostly just Andy and I. I didn't even know if she could hear me, but I kept talking to her. That's what I was doing when I heard a knock at the door.
"Come in," I muttered, assuming it was one of the nurses or doctors. When the door opened, I was surprised to see Ryan, one of Andy's best friends. "Ryan, hi. I'm assuming Pruitt told you what happened," I said, still holding onto Andy's hand. He already knew about Andy and I, so there was no need to try and hide it.
"Yes, and I was going to visit, but that's not why I'm here right now. I got sent to ask some questions about what happened. I'm not sure if you know, but Maya got arrested at the station earlier today. I need to get a statement from you," he said. I nodded and stood up slowly, leaning forward to kiss Andy on the forehead first.
"Let's make it quick, I don't want to be gone too long in case anything happens," I told Ryan as we sat down in a conference room that Dr Bailey had let us use.
"Of course. Just so you know, this is all going to be recorded," Ryan said as he pulled a tape recorder out of his pocket. I nodded, signalling that I was fine for him to begin. "Okay, can you tell me what happened on the day of the attack," Ryan said and I took a deep breath. This was going to be hard to relive, but I knew I had to do it.
"Well we had a pretty normal shift. Afterwards, Andy and I went over to the apartment that her and Bishop used to share to pick up some of her stuff seeing as she's moving in with me. She went up to the apartment while I was parking my car. When I was walking down the hall, I heard her screaming so I started to run. When I got to the apartment... Andy was unconscious on the floor, and Bishop was stood over her. I- I tried to get her to stop but she kicked her again, so then I shoved her away, and she just left. At that point Andy still had a pulse so I called Luke to bring the aid car. Then she lost her pulse and I had to start compressions. Eventually Luke and Hughes got there and we took Andy to the hospital, where..." I started to stutter. This was all too much. I couldn't think about it anymore.
"It's okay, we know what happened when she got to the hospital. There were supposed to be a few more questions but I can see you're getting upset, so we can finish for today," Ryan said.
"Thank you," I whispered, before standing up and heading back to Andy.

*the next day*

I was sat by Andy's bed still, when Dr Grey came into the room.
"Go home. Get a shower, pack some spare clothes, have a nap, and eat something that's not crappy hospital food," she ordered, but I shook my head.
"No, I'm not leaving her," I insisted. She walked over and glared at me.
"Get up," she said, and I stood up reluctantly. When I was out of the way, she sat down in the chair where I had previously been. "I will sit with her myself until you get back. If anything changes, I promise I will call you. Drive carefully, we don't need both of you in hospital beds," Dr Grey said and I sighed. I'd not known her long but I'd already figured out just how stubborn she could be.
"Fine, but make sure you call me if there is even the slightest change," I insisted and she nodded.
When I got to the parking lot, I remembered that I had come in the aid car, so I called a cab back to Andy's old place where my car still was. I then drove back to our place - I still loved the sound of that - and walked in.
Andy had only been here about two weeks, but it still seemed weird without her here. It seemed empty, quiet. I grabbed the leftover pasta that was in the fridge, even though it had been there a few days, and ate it quickly. I then made my way upstairs and went for a shower.
I stood there, the water running over my body, and I just let the tears fall. It wasn't like anyone was going to know that I'm crying. Already, I missed Andy. I was begging that she would wake up soon, I needed her to. Andy's a fighter, she'll pull through this. I hope.
When I had finished in the shower and got dressed into some clean clothes, I grabbed a duffel bag to take back to the hospital with me.
I didn't know how long I was going to be there, how long it would be until Andy was going to wake up. I packed a few changes of clothes, and then thought about what else I would need. I grabbed one of my hoodies, the one that Andy loves. To be honest, she wears it more than I do. I packed a few more things for Andy: a blanket, some framed photos of the two of us, some of her clothes, even a candle that I know she likes. Finally I put my wash bag in the duffel bag as well and zipped it up.
I knew that Dr Grey was right, that I should try and get some sleep in an actual bed, but I don't know if I can. The bed feels empty without Andy in it. And I'm terrified that if I fall asleep and Dr Grey calls, I won't hear it.
Sighing, I grabbed my phone and turned it to full volume before laying down. But I couldn't sleep. I just laid there, hugging Andy's pillow because it smelt like her.

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