Chapter Eighteen

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Robert's pov
I couldn't tell what she was saying, but I could hear Bishop yelling on the other end of the phone. Then, Andy started yelling too, and I knew it must be bad. Andy hardly ever gets that mad.
They were arguing on the phone for quite a while before Andy hung up. She was still mad, so mad that she threw her phone across the room.
"Andy, what's wrong?" I asked, worried about her. She had tears streaming down her face, but she didn't look sad. Just angry.
"Maya! Maya is what's wrong!" She snapped.
"What did she say?" I asked. I had heard what Andy was saying, but I decided to pretend that I hadn't so she could tell me.
"It started off just her complaining about how I didn't talk to her about us, and how I told Vic and not her. And sure, I was mad because it was none of her business, but I didn't really care about what she was saying that much. But then she started talking about you, saying a bunch of stuff that's not true, and I lost it. I love you so much, and I just couldn't stand listening to the things she was saying," Andy explained. I thought she was calming down a bit, but I was wrong. "I warned her, I warned her to stop talking, to not say anything like that about you again, but she just kept on going. I promised her that she would regret it, and I'm not breaking that promise." She got up off the sofa and grabbed her coat. As she walked out the room, I got up to follow her. I had to use crutches because of my leg, so I couldn't keep up with her very well.
"Andy! Andy wait!" I shouted. I heard her sigh, but I knew she had stopped. "Think about what you're doing. You're angry, I can see that, but you don't want to do anything you will regret later." She shook her head.
"Trust me, I won't regret it. Maya will be the one doing the regretting," she said, and I started to get scared. What exactly was Andy going to do? I had never seen her like this, not once. And the worst thing is, she was doing this because she was protecting me. She started to walk out of the house so I grabbed her hand and pulled her back.
"At least let me come with you, I could check in with Lucas while we're at the station," I said, even though I knew that's not what I would be doing. Andy nodded, knowing I wasn't going to give in. She shouldn't really be going anywhere, she just had surgery yesterday, but I knew I wasn't going to be able to stop her. Both of us were as stubborn as each other.
We drove in silence, but even without her telling me, I could tell Andy was still mad. She had managed to stay calm for a while whilst she was on the phone, but when Bishop said whatever she said about me, it tipped Andy over the edge. I wondered what she said, that got Andy so mad that she's still mad now. It must've been pretty bad.
When we finally arrived at the station, I took Andy's hand in mine. "Look at me," I said, and she did, reluctantly. "I love you, so whatever you do, just don't do anything that will get you hurt or in trouble."
"Robert, whatever I do, she had it coming. Maya brought this on herself. I don't care if she had ranted for hours about what a terrible person she thinks I am, but she had no right to say anything like that about the man I love," she sighed, before getting out the car.
"Andy, Andy wait!" I shouted after her, but she kept on walking. As quickly as I could, I got out the car and followed her. When I finally got into the station, I couldn't see Andy from the lobby. I looked around and saw Luke coming down from his office.
"Hey Sully, aren't you supposed to be at home resting with Andy?" He asked.
"Uh, yeah, have you seen her?" I asked him.
"Seen who?" He said and I rolled my eyes.
"Andy! Who else would I be taking about!" I snapped, starting to panic. "Sorry, I shouldn't of snapped."
"It's fine, but I haven't seen her, sorry. How come?" Luke asked, confused.
"I'll explain later, I need to find her now," I said and we both headed towards the beanery. When we got there, we saw Andy on the counter, but when she saw the door opening she jumped up. Then, seeing it was just us, she sat down again. "Everything okay?" I asked, even though I knew it wasn't.
"Yeah, Maya's on aid car and they're on a call," Andy sighed. That's when I noticed the rest of the team were sat around the table, watching us, confused. Andy was just sat on the counter, staring at the door, tears building up in her eyes. I knew that although she just seemed angry, and she was angry, she was also sad. She was sad that someone who she thought was her best friend had betrayed her by saying things like that.
"Uhh, hey Herrera, hey Captain," Miller said.
"Hi guys," I said, but Andy stayed quiet.
"Earth to Herrera?"he said in a questioning tone, but he got no reply.
"Aren't you two both supposed to be on bed rest?" Warren asked, and I remembered that he used to be a doctor, a surgeon.
"Um yeah, I just came to check in with Chief Ripley, see how things are going here at 19," I lied.
"So, uh, what's going on with Andy?" Montgomery asked. I shrugged, even though I knew exactly what was bothering her. It's not like I could tell them, and risk them finding out about us. I watched as Montgomery walked over to Andy and put a hand on her shoulder.
"Andy, what's wrong?" He asked gently.
"Travis now is not the time!" Andy snapped and his eyes widened in shock. I knew that it was because Andy rarely got like this. I'd only seen her this angry twice in the whole time I've known her, and neither ended particularly well.
"Let's just give her some space," Hughes said, and Montgomery went and sat back at the table.
"Captain, Chief, can I have a word please," Hughes said and we both followed her out of the room.
"What's going on with Andy?" She asked and both her and Luke looked at me expectantly. I sighed, knowing I wasn't going to get away without giving them an answer.
"Andy called Bishop. Um, I'm not sure exactly what she said, but apparently she started by saying things about how Andy talked to you and not her. And then, um, apparently she said some things about me, and that's when Andy lost it. I don't know what she's going to do, but she says Bishop had it coming," I explained. They looked at me in shock.
"But Andy and Maya are best friends. I've never heard Maya purposely say anything that she knows will hurt Andy, and I've definitely never seen Andy get this angry," Vic said.
"Sully I don't know about you but I think I've only seen Herrera mad twice before. She's usually so calm and sensible about everything," Luke said, looking at me.
"Yup, I know. And those two times were the only times I've seen Andy mad as well," I sighed, and Luke patted my shoulder. We were about to head back into the beanery when we heard the aid car pulling into the barn.

A/n: Hey guys! Sorry it's taking so long to update, I've been really busy with online school :(   So the next chapters going to be in Andy's pov, and you'll finally see her confronting Maya! I decided to put some dark Andy in, show how protective she is when it comes to Robert aka the man she loves, so I hope you guys like it! Also I haven't proof read this chapter, so sorry if there's any mistakes.

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