Chapter five

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Vic's pov
After Sullivan had left, and probably gone back to his office, we decided to make cookies. It was a lot of fun plus we got to eat them after.
A few hours later (we were messing around  A LOT while we were baking them), they were finished. I thought that maybe if I had cookies Andy might at least talk to me, even if it wasn't about what's going on with her and the captain. So I took a few cookies on a plate and headed towards her bunk. To start with I just knocked, but I got no response. "Hey Andy, I bought you some cookies," I said, but still nothing. I sighed, before continuing, "Look I know that you said you didn't want to talk about whatever it is that's going on, but if you ever change your mind, I'm here for you, and so is the rest of the team." After I still didn't get a response, I thought that maybe she might actually of been taking a nap. "Ok then I'll just bring these cookies in and then go," I said, before pushing the door open. I was about to put the cookies down on the bedside locker when I saw something I was really not expecting to see. Or rather, someone. Sullivan. Him and Andy were asleep on the bed, her curled up in his arms. I couldn't stop myself from gasping out loud. I'd figured that they must know each other from somewhere, but I didn't know that they knew each other this well. Before either of them had a chance to wake up, I rushed out of the room, closing the door quietly behind me. I couldn't believe it. As I headed back towards the beanery to take the cookies back, Travis shouted down to me, "Andy talk to you?"
I shook my head. "No, uh, she was asleep," I muttered. And I wasn't completely lying. Andy was asleep... in the captains arms. To be honest, I'd of guessed that they hated each other, the way they both reacted around each other. And the fact that Andy had clearly been crying, both earlier and just now her face had been stained with tears. But that is not something that two people who hate each other do, and that's for sure. I knew there must be something more going on between them, a complicated history or something, and whilst I didn't want to tell Andy what I had seen, that was probably the only way I could find out what.

Sullivan's pov
We must of both fallen asleep in Andy's bunk because the next thing I knew I was waking up. I didn't realise how much I missed waking up with Andy in my arms. She was still asleep, so I took the time to look at her. I know, that sounds freaky, but I haven't seen her in so long, and she looks so gorgeous when she's asleep, and all the time. I knew I was going to have to wake her up eventually seeing as we're at work, but she looked so peaceful. I decided to leave her for a few more minutes. I didn't want to waste what time I had with Andy, because for all I knew she might not of actually forgiven me for what I did. And whilst I wouldn't blame her, I really really hope that isn't the case.
A few minutes later, Andy started to stir. As she opened her eyes, it took her a few moments to realise where she was. "Robert?" She mumbled, still half asleep.
"Hey," I replied quietly, "We must of fallen asleep." She blinked a couple of times.
"How long for?" She asked. I didn't know, so I reached over to check her phone. When I saw what time it is, I gasped.
"Four hours! How have we gone this long without a call?" I said in shock. We hardly ever get four hours without a call while we're on shift, let alone four hours of sleep.
"Oh my god, we should get up before," Andy started, but the alarm cut her off. Ladder 19, Engine 19, Aid Car 19. "Before we get called out," she finished, sighing. We both jumped up and we're about to head out when I put a hand on her shoulder.
"Can we talk later?" I asked and she nodded.
"Also how are we gonna explain me coming out of your bunk to the team?" I laughed.
"Ummm, I'll go now and you come out in a few seconds, pretend you came from your office?" She suggested, and I agreed. Andy headed out, and a few seconds later I followed, before bellowing orders to the team. I didn't want to admit it, but I was both terrified and excited to talk to Andy later.

Andy's pov
When we got back from the call, I went to the beanery to get a snack. I couldn't help but get excited about talking to Robert later, but I was terrified at the same time. I grabbed a chocolate bar and was about to go and do some chores, seeing as I haven't done any all day, when I heard Vic shouting me, "Andy can we talk?" I sighed, this was probably going to be about why I have been acting weird all day.
"Sure," I replied, before following Vic to her bunk. As I sat down on her bed, she looked at me. "What?" I laughed.
"You've been acting weird all day," she said, stating the obvious. I nodded, but made no attempt to explain why. I couldn't tell anyone about me and Robert, that was what had torn us apart last time, and I wasn't about to let that happen again before we even got a chance to talk. "You gonna tell me why?" She asked. I shook my head. Vic sighed before continuing, "I came to bring you cookies earlier, but you didn't answer when I knocked so I assumed you were asleep. So I came in to leave them in your bunk." All of a sudden I started panicking. She must of seen me and Robert. This was not good. I waited, to see what else she said.
"And you weren't the only one in there," she said, looking at me again. I looked up at her.
"You can't tell anyone," I said seriously.
"I won't, I promise, but you're gonna have to tell me the story behind that," she laughed. She had already seen us, so there was no harm in telling her, as long as she didn't tell anyone else.
"We met when I was in the fire academy, and he was an instructor. We fell in love and it was like, he was the safest place I had. It was against the rules, obviously, but we didn't care, because we loved each other so much. He made me feel in a way that nobody else could. But then he told Ripley. They used to be best friends, so he thought he could trust him. But Ripley reported us. And- And they said we couldn't be together, at least not in work. Then Robert and I, we had an argument. It was my fault, I shouldn't of overreacted like that. We hadn't seen each other since, but I never moved on. And seeing him again, it just bought back all of the good memories, and I just, I miss him, so damn much. I can't help it, but I still... I still love him," I said as a tear rolled down my cheek. Vic put a hand on my shoulder before pulling me into a hug.
"Have you talked to him about it yet?" She asked softly. I shook my head.
"Not really, we were gonna talk earlier, but I got really upset and we must of fallen asleep when he was comforting me," I explained. "But we're going to talk, he asked if we could talk later and I said yes, but I don't know when later is." After that, me and Vic just stayed in her bunk and chatted about pretty much anything for a while. I told her about Robert, it was nice to actually have someone to talk to about him. Vic had promised not to tell anyone, and I trusted her.
After a while, I heard Robert shouting across the fire house, "Herrera a word in my office please." I couldn't help but smile, and I knew that Vic had seen it. I looked at her.
"Go on then," she said, smiling at me. I tried to look normal as I walked towards his office. It was very hard not to look excited, but I think I managed. I was about to knock on his door when the nerves kicked in. What if we didn't make up? What if we had another argument? What if he's moved on? So many thoughts crossed my mind that it took me a second to realise that Robert had opened the door and was telling me to come in.

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