Chapter Three

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Andy's pov
We had just gotten back from the fire. It hadn't taken us too long to put out, which was surprising considering how quickly it had been spreading. I was on aid car with Warren so I didn't get to actually put out the fire, but it was still pretty cool to watch. There had been a lot of patients with minor burns and smoke inhalation, but nothing major at all, everyone had managed to get out in time.
As soon as we got back, I went back to my bunk. I knew I couldn't hide from Robert for ever, but I was going to try to for as long as I could. I don't usually hide from my problems, but I just couldn't face him. Not yet. I still needed time to process the fact that he is here. To be honest, I'm surprised that he's letting me stay in my bunk, he has the rest of the team doing chores and drills. He hasn't tried to talk to me yet, so I'm guessing he doesn't know what to say to me either. We haven't talked since... since the fight. And whilst it was Robert that told Ripley, it wasn't all his fault. If I hadn't overreacted like I did, then who knows, we might of still been together now.
I was sat in my bunk thinking about everything with Robert when my phone pinged. I picked it up and saw a message from Travis - just made a stew, u coming to get some or should I save some for u? I sighed. I was going to have to go out sooner or later, plus Travis makes the best stew. I sent him a text back - I'll come and get some in a minute. I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I looked a mess, my cheeks were stained with tears and my makeup was running down my face. After cleaning myself up, I went to the beanery. As I walked in, everyone looked up from there food. "You ok Andy?" Maya asked. I nodded and said that I was fine, before grabbing a bowl. I filled it with stew and went to sit down. There was one empty seat between Vic and Warren, so I sat there. Soon enough everyone was talking again, mostly about the call earlier today. I looked up and saw Robert in his office, eating a banana. I almost laughed, he must of taken it from the beanery when the others were doing chores, so he didn't have to eat with us. I started to think about all the meals we had shared together before. Sometimes we are in, and one of us cooked, sometimes we ordered take out, sometimes we even ate out at restaurants or diners. I couldn't help but miss the times we were together.
"What do you think Andy?" Vic asked, pulling me away from my thoughts.
"Huh?" I said, as I had no idea what they had been talking about.
"Milk or cereal first?" She asked. I laughed wondering how the conversation had changed from a fire to what way you eat breakfast.
"I prefer straight out of the box," I said, and the team laughed. Then, we started talking about our favourite type of donuts. We have a lot of strange conversations. "I like the ones with lemon curd in the middle and lemon flavoured sprinkles on top or the ones with," I started, before I stopped mid sentence. I had looked up and seen Robert coming out of his office, and heading towards the beanery. "I'm.. um.. I'm going to go and have a nap," I stuttered as he walked into the room. I saw the team throwing me worried looks, and Robert staring after me as I walked away. I felt bad, avoiding him like this, but I just wasn't ready. Soon, maybe soon.

Vic's pov
We were in the beanery eating the stew that Travis made when Andy finally came out of her bunk. Maya asked her if she was okay, and Andy nodded and said she was, but I don't think any of us were convinced. She's been acting strange ever since we met the new captain. To start with, I just thought it was because she had wanted the job, but then I started to think that they must know each other from somewhere. As soon as Andy saw him she rushed back into the station, and he had asked to talk to Ripley. She had been in her bunk ever since, only coming out when we got a call, and Sullivan actually let her. So it was a relief to see her in the beanery. She sat down with her stew and started to eat. I noticed that after a few minutes Andy zoned out and kept glancing up at the captains office, so I asked her what she thought about the conversation we were having. Sure enough, she had no idea what we were talking about, so I told her, and she joined in our random conversations. One second, she was talking about what donuts she liked, and the next she went silent and all of the colour drained out of her face. I followed her gaze to see Sullivan heading towards the beanery. Before I could say anything, Andy got up and walked out of the room, saying she was going for a nap. As she walked away, Sullivan stared after her, and he looked as though he was fighting back tears. He may if only been her a day, but I was pretty sure he wasn't the type to cry in front of his team. After a few seconds, he shook his head and started to make a coffee in silence. "You ok captain?" I asked, seeing as nobody else was saying anything.
"I'm fine thank you Hughes," he said, still not turning around. He was about to leave when he decided to make another coffee. I watched as he grabbed another mug and made it exactly as Andy drinks her coffee. They definitely knew each other. Then, he headed out, and I'm pretty sure he was going in the same direction that Andy went only a few minutes before.

Robert's Pov
I decided to go and get a coffee from the beanery, even though I knew that Andy was in there. I still wasn't sure what I would say, and I probably wouldn't talk to her at all in front of the team, but I just needed to see her. As I walked towards the beanery, I heard Andy talking about what donuts she liked. I smiled, remembering all the times when one of us had bought donuts home to the other after work. But then she saw me, and stopped talking. I was really hoping she would just stay in the beanery, but she didn't. She went back to her bunk, saying she needed a nap. But I knew that even if she did try to get to sleep, she wouldn't be able to. I knew Andy. I stared after her, holding back my tears. I couldn't cry in front of the team. I turned back to the beanery and made my self a coffee. I was about to leave and go back to my office when I decided to try and talk to Andy. I knew she probably wouldn't want to talk to me yet, but it was worth a try. I made her a coffee as well, I wasn't sure if she still drank it the same, but I made it exactly how she used to. Let's see how this goes.

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