Chapter Fourteen

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Robert's pov
I had been awake from my surgery for a few minutes now, and all I wanted to do was see Andy. The last time that I saw her, she was in a much worse condition than I was. I just wanted her to be okay. I couldn't lose her again.
As Dr Lincoln walked into the room to tell me how my surgery went, I asked, "Can I see Andy?"
"Well, first let me tell you how your surgery went, then I'll see what I can do," he said. I nodded and he continued, "Your surgery was successful, you will have to have a boot for five weeks, and try to stay off your feet as much as you can. I'd suggest taking a week off work to recover." I sighed as that meant I'll probably have to stick to the paperwork side of my job when I go back.
"Okay, now can I see Andy?" I asked.
Dr Lincoln laughed slightly at my stubbornness before saying, "Let me go and check with Dr Grey and Dr Bailey, they're Andy's doctors." I nodded as he left the room.
When he walked back in, he had a wheelchair with him. "She's out of surgery, but not awake yet. You can go see her, and be there for her when she wakes up, but you have to stay in the wheelchair because of your leg," he explained.
As he wheeled me into Andy's room, Dr Lincoln said, "Right, I'll give you two some privacy, and either Dr Grey, Dr Bailey or myself will be back to check on you both in a bit." I nodded, and he left the room, closing the door and blinds as he did.
I looked over at Andy. She was still asleep, and there were wires everywhere connecting her to machines. She was wearing a hospital gown like I was, and her hair was spread out around her on the pillow. I wheeled myself closer, and I took her hand in mine. With my other hand, I leant over to stroke her hair. "Hey Andy," I said quietly, before sighing. "I was so worried about you. Ripley wouldn't let me see you before, he said we needed to get to the hospital. I was so scared that I was going to lose you again. I- I wouldn't be able to do it. I couldn't live without you again, I hardly could before. I love you Andy, I love you more than I've ever loved anyone ever before. And I know there's no way you still feel the same way about me, I mean you probably hate me, I would hate me too, but I love you Andy. I've loved you since the moment I met you, and I will love you till the moment I die," I said, tears streaming down my face. As I finished talking, I felt her squeeze my hand ever so slightly. At least I thought I did, but I could've been imagining it.
"I- I love you too," she whispered, her voice hoarse and sleepy. Slowly, she opened her eyes, blinking a few times to get used to the light.
"You're awake," I gasped, "Um... how much of that did you hear?"
She smirked at me slightly before answering, "All of it. And I don't hate you, Robert. Sure, I was mad at you before, but I love you too, I always have done, always will." We smiled at each other, before I leant over and pressed a kiss to her head.
"Andy?" I whispered.
"Mmm?" She murmured, sounding confused.
"Will you give me a second chance?" I asked her nervously.
"Robert Sullivan are you asking me to be your girlfriend again?" she teased me, laughing.
"Yes, I guess I am," I laughed.
"Then the answers yes," she said, looking into my eyes. As I kissed her, we were both grinning into the kiss, happy that we were together again. This time, forever.
However the kiss only lasted a few seconds. All of a sudden we heard a knock on the door, and we sprung apart quickly. After clearing her throat slightly, Andy said, "Um come in." The door opened for us to see the whole team and Lucas stood behind me. I sighed, this was going to be awkward. I saw there eyes widen slightly when they saw me sat by Andy's bedside. That's when I realised that I was also still holding her hand. Rather than letting it go, I squeezed it slightly, and she squeezed mine back.
"Hey Andy, uh, hey Captain," Montgomery said.
"Hi Travis, hi everyone," Andy said, and I nodded to greet them.
"Umm, we can come back later if you guys are busy?" Warren asked. I glanced over at Andy and she shrugged her shoulders, signalling that it was up to me.
"Uh... It's fine you can stay," I said. I honestly wanted to spend some time alone with Andy, but I knew that I'd be able to do that later and that she would want to see her friends and let them know that she was alright. Confirming my thoughts, Andy smiled at me gratefully as everyone made their way into the room.
Luke came and sat nearest me and I noticed that Hughes sat next to him, which was kind of strange. I made a mental note to ask him about that later. Bishop and Montgomery sat the other side of Andy's bed, and Gibson, Warren and Miller stood up around the side of the room.
"So, uh, how are you both? How did your surgeries go?" Hughes asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence in the room.
"Mine went well, I'll have to stick to desk duty for a while when I come back in about a week, but the surgery went well," Andy said.
"Uh, pretty much same. I'm gonna have to keep this boot on for five weeks, and stick to paperwork for a while. And uh I'll be off for a week as well," I said. Everyone nodded, and I noticed they all kept glancing at Andy and I, and then at each other. I was right about one thing, this sure as hell is awkward.

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