Chapter Sixteen

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*time skip to when they can leave the hospital the next day*

Andy's pov
The team hadn't been back since what happened yesterday, which I was kind of glad about. That way, Robert and I can be together without any questions asked. We had decided that I would stay at his house this week, so we could spend some time catching up, and keep each other company while we're off. I had told Maya I was staying at my dads. I'm not sure if she believed me or not, but she didn't say anything so I'm just going to take that.
Robert was sat in the chair in my hospital room, and I was sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for our discharge papers. A few moments later, Dr Grey walked through the door. "Right, I have both of your discharge papers, so let's get them signed and then you are free to go," she said, smiling at us both. I smiled back, I was happy to finally be spending time with Robert after being away from him for so long.
On the way back to his place, we stopped at mine and Maya's place so that I could grab some things. "Do you wanna come in for a bit? I can put some coffee on or something?" I asked Robert. Maya was at work, so we would have the apartment to ourselves, and nobody would see us.
"Sure," he said, and we both got out of the car. We went up in the elevator because Robert couldn't walk up the stairs with his leg, and I was supposed to take it easy so I don't reopen the stitches on my stomach. When we got to the apartment, I got the key out of my back pocket and let us in. I was about to start making us both some coffee when Robert said, "I could make the coffee while you go and pack a bag if you want?" I nodded and thanked him before heading to my bedroom. I grabbed a bag and started packing it. I wasn't sure exactly what I was going to need but if I forgot anything I could always come back and get it while Maya's at work. For now, I just grabbed what I thought was enough clothes to last me a week, my wash bag and some makeup. After shoving it all in the bag, I walked back into the kitchen and sat down at the island next to Robert. He'd finished making the coffee and was just sat waiting for me.
"Hey," I said as I sat down.
"Hey," he replied, leaning over to kiss me. It was crazy how even after all these years I still got those excited butterflies in my stomach just like the first time Robert kissed me. I took a sip from my coffee and smiled slightly.
"You remembered how I like my coffee," I said smirking at him.
"I guess I did," he said, smiling back. After we had drank our coffees I washed the mugs and then we left to go to Robert's house.
As we walked through the door, I took everything in. He had moved houses since the last time I saw him, but it was still a similar style to his last one. It was so tidy, Robert has always been tidy, but I honestly don't know how he does it. I noticed when we walked through the living room that there were some photo frames on top of the fireplace, so I went to look at them. When I got closer, I saw that there was a photo of Robert and Ripley, and two photos of me and Robert. I smiled when I saw them. One was the same photo that I have in the locket on my necklace, and the other was another photo of us from that same night.
I don't know how long I had been standing there for when I felt Robert walk up behind me. He stood there for a few seconds before wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him. As I leant back, I said, "I still wear the necklace. The one that you got me with that photo in." I tugged on the chain slightly to pull it out and show him. When he didn't say anything, I looked up and saw him smiling down at me. Before I had a chance to say anything, Robert leant down even further and pressed his lips to mine.
"Do you want some lunch?" he asked.
"Sure, I've missed your cooking," I laughed. As he laughed too, Robert made his way to the kitchen, me following behind him. While he was cooking, we talked about what we'd both been up to since we last saw each other. Neither of us have moved on, neither of us has seen anyone else in the past few years. Robert had been working at a station across town, and I was kind of surprised that I'd never seen him at calls before.
Half an hour later, lunch was ready. "Mmm this is amazing," I muttered while eating the spaghetti bolognese. "You are literally the best cook in the world," I said. He laughed and thanked me, before we both went back to eating in silence. When we had finished, Robert washed the plates, and I dried them, just like we always used to do.
"You wanna watch a movie or something?" He asked when we had finished.
"Sure," I said and we went and sat down on the couch. After we had picked a movie, Robert grabbed a blanket and draped it over both of us. At some point, we both moved to get comfy, and I ended up laying on his chest, his arms around my waist. I was so comfy that I thought I could stay like this all day. I must've fallen asleep during the movie, because next thing I knew Robert was shaking me awake gently.
"Hey sleepy," he whispered, and I groaned slightly. "Sorry, I didn't want to wake you but your phones been blowing up for the past ten minutes."
"Mmm what time is it?" I asked, still half asleep.
"About five," Robert answered, chuckling slightly when my eyes shot wide open.
"I've been asleep for nearly four hours?!" I said, shocked and he nodded. "Oh god, I'm sorry, you could've woken me, it can't of been comfortable for you having me laid on you that long," I apologised but Robert shook his head.
"It's fine, and for the record, it was very comfortable, I miss cuddling with you," he said and I smiled in agreement, before looking at my phone. Sure enough, I had a bunch of missed calls and texts, mostly from Maya, Vic and my dad. I cursed under my breath as some of them caught my eye.
Dad: Why does Maya seem to think you are staying at my house?
Dad: Andrea where are you??
Maya: Hi Andy I'm just checking up, how are you? I was wondering if I could pop round to see you at your dads in 10? Just wanted to apologise for yesterday x
Maya: I thought you were staying at your dads? But apparently not bc I just went round and he said he thought you were at ours?
Maya: Andy where are you actually staying?
"Damn it," I said.
"What's wrong?" Robert asked, and I showed him the messages.

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