Chapter Thirty-One

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Robert's pov
Andy had been in a coma for four weeks and three days now. I'd slept a couple of times, after taking a sedative, but it just made the nightmares worse. Eventually, I just stopped trying, and stayed awake all the time.
I was sat in the same chair I had been sat in for the past four weeks, holding Andy's hand with one hand, and a book with my other. But then I felt something. At first I was sure I was imagining it. But then it happened again. Andy squeezed my hand.
"Come on Andy, wake up. I felt that, I know I did. Just try to open your eyes please," I begged her. "Someone get Dr Grey or Dr Shepherd," I shouted and within a few seconds they came running into the room.
"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Dr Grey asked.
"She squeezed my hand. That could mean she's waking up, right?" I asked.
"It's a possibility but it could just be a reflex. Let's get a head CT stat," Dr Shepherd said.
At that moment the machines that Andy was hooked up to started beeping. "Get out of the way, start compressions," Dr Shepherd shouted and Dr Grey did as she said. A nurse tried to move me out of the way, but I stumbled backwards against the wall.
Just over four weeks ago, that had been me doing compressions on Andy. She pulled through then, she has to this time.
I don't know how long they were doing compressions for until Dr Grey spoke up.
"Holding compressions, pulse check please," she said and Dr Shepherd held her fingers to Andy's neck. After a few seconds, she breathed out in relief.
"Got a pulse," she said, and I let out a breath I hadn't known I was holding.
"Andy, Andy can you hear me?" Dr Grey said. Was she waking up? Was this the moment I've been waiting for for weeks? I went over and grabbed Andy's hand.
"Please Andy, please wake up," I whispered, kissing her hand gently. After a few moments, that felt hours, Andy's eyes started to flicker open.
"Let's remove the intubation, don't try to talk just yet Andy," Dr Grey told her. They removed the tubes that had been in Andy's throat and then left us alone, saying that they would be back to check on Andy soon.
"You're awake," I said, smiling.
"I'm awake," she repeated.
"I was so scared that I was going to lose you," I whispered and she reached up to touch my cheek.
"But you didn't. I'm still here, I'm awake. How long was I out?" She asked. "And what exactly happened? Last thing I remember was walking into the apartment and Maya punching me."
"You were out for four weeks and three days. You had severe injuries and slipped into a coma. Bishop got arrested," I told her.
"Come here," Andy said, patting the bed beside her. Carefully, I laid down and she rested her head on my chest. I held her close, and I didn't ever want to let go of her ever again. I wasn't going to let anything else happen to Andy.
"You got your cast off," she commented.
"Yeah, a few days ago," I said. "How are you feeling?"
"Like I've been run over by a truck," Andy laughed. I put her head back down on my chest and started to stroke her hair.
We laid like that for an hour, and eventually Andy fell asleep. When Dr Grey, Dr Shepherd and a bunch of interns came in, I whispered, "She's asleep, can't you do this later?"
"I'm afraid not, I need to do a neuro check and Dr Grey needs to check her other injuries now that she's not in a coma," Dr Shepherd said and I felt Andy start to stir in my arms.
"It's okay Robert, I'm awake now anyway," she muttered sleepily. I kissed her forehead gently and climbed out of the bed. "Mmm don't go," she said, and I grabbed her hand.
"I'm not going anywhere, I promise. I'll be sat right here the whole time," I promised and Andy nodded.
Dr Grey and Dr Shepherd both did their exams of Andy and then we looked at them expectantly.
"So, how is she?" I asked.
"Her neurological exam was clear, which is very good seeing as she just woke up from a coma," Dr Shepherd said.
"Andy, you still have bruising to your abdomen and there was an infection around your stitches. Both should heal on their own with time, but you'll have to take it easy," Dr Grey said.
"So when can I go home?" Andy asked.
"We'd like to keep you under observation for at least another week, but after that we'll decide whether you're ready or not," Dr Grey explained. After a few more minutes, all the doctors left and it was just Andy and I again.
"I love you," I said to her, gripping her hand tightly.
"I love you too," Andy said. We both leaned forwards to kiss, and then I sat on her bed again and held her in my arms for the rest of the night.
Andy is awake. I finally have the women I love back after weeks of thinking I was going to lose her.
That night, I stayed with Andy in her hospital bed. I thought that now she was awake, the nightmares would stop. But I guess I was wrong.
When I woke up, I looked down and saw Andy laying on my chest. It was just a nightmare. She's alright, she's awake.
"Robert? What's wrong?" Andy asked, and I realised I must've woken her up when I woke up from the nightmare.
"Nothing, sorry I woke you," I whispered.
"You can talk to me you know," she said.
"I know. I love you," I replied.
"I love you too. Now try and go back to sleep for a bit before they do rounds," she said sleepily and I nodded. I knew I wasn't going to go back to sleep now, so I just laid there silently and let Andy sleep.

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