48. Life Goes On

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Third Person’s P.O.V.

“She did!” “She did not” Kook spoke without even looking at Hobi as he continued playing with her.

“I’m telling you she did!”

“It’s impossible for her to call you uncle…she’s only three weeks old Hobi!” Jimin retorted listening to them, while Minjae kept whining to him to be picked up because he couldn’t see his li’l friend as she lay majestically in her crib, busy in her exploration of Yoongi’s hand by her head and absolutely unbothered while they peered and gushed over her.

“You all look like old people delighted to have a grandchild” Namjoon spoke from the door frame, frowning at all of them huddled around the baby. He walked closer and pulled Minjae into his arms, the boy giving him the list of new things they had seen Soohee do that day.

“So, how’s Taehyung?” Jimin asked Joon and their eyes moved to him.
“He’s okay…physically” Namjoon sighed smiling unmindfully as he saw Soohee beat her hands and grasp at the watch on Yoongi’s wrist “he’s just trying too hard to hold himself together, I don’t blame him…this is no lesser than going through hell itself”.

He gently caressed Minjae’s head, “I’d go crazy if I couldn’t come back to my family at the end of the day. What he’s going through is a torture of a different kind”

They fell into a thoughtful silence before Jin walked in, towelling his wet hair and instantly his eyes were aglow “hey, did you get to meet him? How is he?”

“How are you?” Namjoon inquired instead, remembering Taehyung’s heightened concerns about Jin and about how he was healing, checking up with the doc or not and taking good care of himself.

“Three more weeks and I’ll be good to go out of the house, the stitches are healing fine” he spoke coming around to the familiar picture of Hobi, Yoongi and Kook surrounding the child like pillars, barring even the slightest gust of wind that could make her feel uncomfortable.

“She said you’re out of danger after three weeks, and a month more before you can go back to normal life” Yoongi corrected him, still busy in scribbling stuff while the child played happily with his other hand. Once in a while he’d just stop working and watch her with a poker face, a finger gently nudging her bloated cheeks before he went back to working again.

Jin didn’t say anything in reply, rather inquired about Taehyung, feeling sad since he wasn’t in a position to go to visit him and knew how hard it must be for him going through this time all alone. He couldn’t wait to tell him everything about their little girl.

He loved how Soohee was adored by every single person who met her, although being surrounded by her over-protective guardians made her a bit moody and a frown would often creep up her brows whenever some new face would want to coddle her.

When the others weren’t around she’d desperately cling onto Jin, she was choosy about attention but demanded all of it when she was with the family. And although she believed she had an upper hand over all of them, her bossiness and demands were the highest when it came to Kook, merely for the reason that Kook had literally enslaved himself to her.

First thing in the morning and last thing before going to bed Soohee would demand to be sang to. And Jin had come to know of this exquisite gift in Kook by mere coincidence.

It was one of those bad days when he just couldn’t get her to calm down and pulled at his hairs not knowing how to make her stop yelling and crying at the top of her lungs. He gave up leaving her in her crib and just plopped down on the bed, exhausted. Jungkook had been watching him and had even opted to help but Jin had denied not knowing it could be this difficult. So, when he saw Jin throw an arm over his eyes as he tried to calm down and not cry out as well due to the building frustration within, Jungkook thought he could try out the suggestion he had taken before…to help them calm down while he sang to them.

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