16. A Crossroads Deal

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Taehyung's P. O. V.

This is it ...

I might never get to see him again...

The price I must pay to keep him safe.

"No" his words struck my weary heart "I'm not running". He crossed his arms over his chest with a frown "whatever it is you're trying to do I'm not becoming an aid to it". His eyes are fiery right now "I'm not listening to anything unless you explain yourself".

"There's nothing to explain, listen to me if you don't want your days to get cut short!"

Explain? What do I explain to you? How do I explain that I had sold my soul to a demon because I do not have the strength to bear anymore pain of loss? How do I tell you that I'm practically a dog in the hands of Axel right now? How do I explain that I agreed to side with monsters because I believe that I had always been one? 

"Well, bite me!" He said unlocking the door of the car "You do your thing, and I will do mine! Don't think even for a single minute that I'm gonna take orders from you, asshole!" The door shut with a bang and I watched him tramp his way into the building.

You need to stay away from me Seokjin. I'm a harbinger of death and pain, and if I have the power I'd keep you as far away as possible.

I put the car in reverse to make it out to the road, and my mind raced to bring back the time I had made the deal with Axel. But in my favor, I saw no other way at the time.

Would it be easier to just let him know?

Hoseok had received a mail that night after we had finished our discussion while Seokjin was still asleep on the couch, the mail had put fear in us instantly. It was untraceable but the message made it loud and clear who the sender had been.

Taehyungah, are you stupid enough to think you can hide? You wouldn't like it if tell Jin-Young to put bullets in the colonels heads, would you? You remember how good his aim is right? You're gonna miss them if I do that won't you kiddo? You see I don't want to do that either, but I need that code. Or I swear I'm gonna make sure all of your dear buddies have the most exquisite exits from their lives.

Oh! I almost forgot, Jin-Young tells me you've got yourself a pretty plaything. I'd love to pay him a visit soon, take care of him until then will you?

Tremors had gripped vehemently onto me as I paced around not knowing what to do, and finally left before dawn could touch the sky.

My agitated brain led me ultimately to get dragged into a gaudy penthouse to meet my doom. I didn't have a plan, absolutely no clue as to what I would do or say when I face them. Only one thing played over and over in my head, no more shall I risk the people I care about, no more pain for the ones I hold dear, no more, please. I need to stop them because I cannot bear this anymore, and I realized I'd do just about anything for them to stop with this.

My phone chimed suddenly pulling me away from my thoughts and I put it on speaker "get back here, you got work to do kiddo" I absolutely hate it when she calls me that"I'm only a couple minutes away" I reply and the call ends instantly.

The elevator dinged to open at the penthouse and I  was a bit startled to see Sunmi standing there with her hands crossed over her chest giving me a knowing look, "you're unreasonably possessive of that boy" my fists clench in worry, has she been keeping an eye on me?

"What do you mean?" I voice walking past her and hear her heels tick-tocking behind me. "You still scared about me paying him a visit?" I halt at those words, don't you dare.  She walks ahead of me "stop being rude to me or I just might" she says making her way inside the large condo.

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