6.Still a Misfit I see

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Seokjin's P.O.V.

"Hmm, the flight was okay. Nope, took my meds. Everything good at home Kook?" I had been too held up to notice that Kook had called more than a couple times. At least he sounds better today so I guess things turned out well. "Great! Have fun, talk to you later." I quickly said as I heard the front door shut with a bang and Hobi's voice filled the house "Jin!"

I smiled hurrying down the stairs "Hobi!" And we threw ourselves at each other. "I missed you so much" he mewled, "I missed you more" I replied with a pout. "No I missed you loads more!" Hobi answered squeezing me some more. "No I-" "Yeah ok. You two missed each other. Understood. Now stop acting like koalas will you." Yoongi grumbled from the couch, we quietly made our way to him and grabbed him in a bear hug, "I missed you too grumpy gramps!" I shouted in his ears squishing him in between us. He grimaced and groaned. "Serves you right for all that yelling earlier" I whispered in his ear as Hobi walked away. After an edgy side glance Yoongi got up and followed behind him into the kitchen.

"Did you eat something?" Hobi asked pulling off his coat. "Yup! Yoongs made me a sandwich" "Want some coffee?" He asked putting down the mugs on the counter as the other put the pot on. "Sure why not" I replied, smiling lightly seeing them like this. They had been head over heels about each other since high school but something had changed since the last time I saw them. They seem oddly complementary to each other, so synced despite their thousand and one differences. I guess that's what loving someone gives you, the understanding that envelopes the differences, the need to understand the one you love.

I want to feel that with someone too; call me a bad friend but I am envious of what Hobi and Yoongs have. But then again, do I dare to rise above of my vulnerability and open up to someone?

"Jin!" Hobi snaps me out of my thoughts "your coffee's getting cold." I grabbed my mug remembering the coffee. "Shower and change into something nice and warm. We're going out for dinner."

Taehyung's P.O.V.

The hinges creaked as I pushed back the door to my house. I placed the backpack on the couch in the middle of the living room and shuffled out of my jacket, pulled off the bandana and ruffled my dusty hair as I went ahead to grab a drink.

Ring ring...

I cursed under my breath and answered the phone. "Get your ass in here! I'm not listening to any of your excuses! I want you here in an hour and don't make me call you again!" I moved considerably away from the phone fearing I'd go deaf. It's Namjoon. "Yeah about tha-" Beep. He had ended the call before I could even finish my sentence. "Guess you will have to wait a while for me sweets" I spoke to the bottle of alcohol in my hand and sighed, placing it back in the cabinet.

I quickly showered and shaved, grabbed a striped button-up dress shirt and paired it with black pants. I hastily pulled on the corduroy jacket which was my go to on chilly evenings. Making my way down the stairs I fixed my hair as well as I could, grabbed my keys, slipped on the most formal-ish shoes I could find and headed out.

I was about to turn down the road to the diner when I got distracted by the sight of  a wandering Seokjin, strolling through the streets and eyes searching around for something. In a whim I followed behind him finally seeing him go inside an electronic goods store. I pondered on waiting in the truck, then figured this is so weirdly unlike me and decided to leave. However, in the end stepped out and walked inside the store. He's new here, unaware of the surroundings and the people here. I told myself, it wasn't a total lie anyway.

I searched around the store and spotted his beige coat. He was frustrated for some reason, talking to the man over the counter with a frown on his face. Suddenly he turned and I stopped in my tracks. We were a few feet apart, I could tell he was surprised to see me there but it wasn't the happy kind of surprise. He walked up to me without breaking the eye contact. "Give me back my backpack" he said in a grim demanding voice. His angry face kinda looks like a hamster, is this supposed to scare me?
"So you finally remember" the urge to smile was way too difficult to cover up. "Stop playing and give it back. I need my backpack, its really important." He spoke through gritted teeth, his frown deepening. "Do you think I am carrying it around for you? I don't have it with me now." I turned around to walk out of the store before he could ask me what I was doing there to which I honestly have no answer. Just as I stepped onto the sidewalk I felt a cold hand wrap around my wrist. "When do you plan to return it?" I turned around to meet his questioning brown eyes. "Tomorrow? Here?" He asked getting worked up now. "Aren't you an eager one huh? Grabbing my hands and asking me out the very day we met?" I taunted him with a sly smirk, I wanted to see how he'd react.

Winter Bear || TaeJin [Completed]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin