58. If Tomorrow Never Comes

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#Warning: angst

Jungkook’s P.O.V.

“Sleep well?”

My head feels like I’ve been dunked underwater for hours.

“Fuck…” I groan grabbing at my head, the last thing I remember is Taehyung dragging my almost limp body to drop me at Hoseok and Yoongi’s place last night. I was really hoping he’d take me to his home rather, I’d have really liked being near Jin and Soohee…yeah, I know…I too curse at my stupid ideas but I was this close to dying, it does things to you…things that are beyond our control…and if I kept my feelings aside, Jin is actually the only real friend I got.

“Hey you good?” Hoseok pats at my cheek before I see Yoongi flash a light into my eyes, a serious look on his face as he checks on me.

I really feel like I just came back from the dead…

“I’m alive…if that’s what you’re asking” I croak out the words, my throat rough and parched. Hoseok hands me a glass of water instantly.

“Yeah…you’re lucky Taehyung was quick…cyanide is a tough one to survive” he informs and my mind fills with the memory of what had happened.

“For a moment I really thought he was gonna leave me to die there”

I really did…I knew I had stepped into trouble when the group of Rayden’s men began cornering me instead, I realised they knew more than they let on…and that they were planning something behind our backs…but the thing is their target doesn’t seem to be as widescale as Axel usually planned, they know they aren’t that strong anymore…they know Byun’s sentence has been declared, they know they don’t have much time to do whatever they have planned…and what I fear is that for them it is going to be a ‘do or die’ game this time because they are aware they will be hunted down and will be forced to come out of their hideouts and will then be put behind bars even if they manage to save their heads from the bullets.

“That’s because you don’t really know him” Namjoon’s voice was a quiet assertion as he kept his down, reading through the files on his lap “he’s a soldier…and we don’t leave a man behind, no matter what.”

My gaze moved towards Namjoon, he’s been upset over the fact that we couldn’t bring in any of the suspects alive for interrogation. Taehyung had lashed out angrily at Namjoon when the elder had warned him not make these infiltrations as a mission to get his revenge.

According to him he was only trying to save me like Namjoon had told him to do but his hatred towards Axel and every single soul associated to them was pretty evident…even his hatred for me…not like he tries to mask it or something…I know for a fact that he’ll enjoy blowing my head off as well if I give him a chance to do so…

“Byun’s sentence is in a week…” he speaks as if warning us and I sense Hoseok shifting uneasily by my side.

“Well, no big deal…all we gotta do is ensure he is taken from the court to the facility without any hassle” he shrugs trying to act as if it didn’t affect him to think how many ways it could go wrong “there are gonna be police looking over the whole thing…he’s not some easy thug you know.”

“Definitely not an easy thug…my fath-Kai was cruel but Byun was the mastermind behind it all” I relayed what I had grown up to understand over the years “he’s the brain that kept Axel one step ahead…always beyond grasp…catastrophic yet invisible…and unlike them, he doesn’t believe in rushing through guns blazing…he’s cryptic…”

I saw Namjoon’s eyes fix on the files, he was still gazing at those but I could tell his mind was entirely on my words.

“You think he could be staging something?” The words were sharp with anticipation and I knew it was Namjoon’s fears that were speaking now. The man had almost lost Jimin and their child last time and his reckless decisions and ended up taking General Lee’s life, and although we never talk about it just to let him know that it was something beyond our power to stop, it was very easy to see that Namjoon feared faltering and causing such mishaps again.

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