51. Picture Perfect

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Taehyung’s P.O.V.

Waking up to see Jin cuddling closer to me and falling back asleep in my arms might be one of the best rewards I had received for all the struggles life had made me face. 

“Did Soo wake you up again last night?” He mumbled sleepily into my chest. “I was glad that she let me put her back to sleep every time” I spoke nuzzling into his soft brown hair, God this really is what real happiness feels like. “She even fell asleep hugging me you know, I kinda got teary” I said remembering how difficult it was to pull away from her hands coiled about my neck to let her sleep.

I felt his smile against my skin as I caressed his back “what? I’m not making it up seriously…it just-you know-“ he pulled back to gaze at me with those adoring brown eyes of his and I lost my words staring back at him and unknowingly spoke what came to my mind “I’m just so happy to have this, you and her, and this…us”.

He caressed my cheek, leaning in to press his lips on mine and I pulled him in closer, losing myself in him yet again.

I have missed this…this raw rush that takes over me when I think about him, this need to protect and care when he slides into my arms like he belongs there, knowing how to take care of me even when I don’t say why I am hurting, it’s as if he knows exactly what I am going to say next and takes care to tell me through his actions that he has taken care of it already…such a miracle he is, my silver lining.

I slowly pushed him down, laying him back as I kissed him feeling overwhelmed with emotions and need and the knowledge that he is mine to cherish. He clutched at my shoulder as I forced my tongue inside his mouth, my mind reliving moments of all those times earlier when I had kissed him but I don’t know why it still feels so maddening to hear him groan and the way he threaded his fingers through the back of my head, tugging gently on my hair as he kissed me back breathlessly caressing my lips with his own, moulding our mouths in a hot wet tangle.

He broke away gasping and I dove in to press a line of kisses down his neck, my need kicking in with greater force as he shuddered whining and tugging harder at my hair. He lay heaving under me as I nibbled at his throat, lapping at his skin as if in daze as I felt urgent greed take over to have more and I took the chance to tug hastily at the hem of his t shirt, intending to strip him off of everything and lay him bare before my eyes. He abided, pulling it over his head before coiling his arms around my neck to pull me back into another hungry kiss and I needily grinded down on him, needing friction.

He groaned in between the kiss, moaning my name when I palmed him over his shorts. I was too far gone into the feel of him when he pushed at my chest, trying to break away from the kiss and huffed tapping at my shoulder before forcing me away.

“Soo?” He panted blinking up at me, and I leaned in to kiss him again being totally enraptured by him at the moment. He pushed me back again when I grasped on his jaw, groaning “she’s crying” he shuffled out of my arms, quickly pulling the t shirt back on “she must be up already”.

That was when I tried to listen to what he meant and heard Soohee bawling in the next room. I laid back down as he left the room, the tense breath I was holding in finally gushing out of me as I caught him speaking and consoling her while I was hoping he was gonna come back to bed n we could carry on from where we left.

Instead, I watched him walk in with a half asleep n teary Soo and brought her into our bed as I stared at him feeling betrayed while he very slyly kept his eyes from mine as he began playing with her. The moment he set her on the bed she began crawling about, heading straight to bump into me as she giggled and rallied in her language clutching onto me.

“That was mean of you” I grumbled as Soo crawled upon me, and I set her on my chest, turning my attention to her now as she slapped her palms against my chest to grab my whole attention.

“What do you mean? She was crying!” He reasoned, and it’s not like I didn’t know that but I do kinda still feel betrayed.

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