32. Tastes Like War

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Third Person's P. O. V. 

"Here you go, toast and veggies, with eggs and bacon on the side" Jin placed in front of Jimin who looked too ready to dig in "you can go ahead, I'll get the smoothie."

He had been keeping Jimin company as planned, times didn't look as bad as they spent gossiping, watching dramas and the usual visits to the doctor now that he was getting heavier and more full. Being pregnant made Jimin more lazy and tired most of the time but awfully hungry, occasionally he would get mopey about how they'd care for a child in such threatening situations and Jin would assure him that they'll ensure the kids safety no matter what, telling himself that things will get easier, surely someday.

He knew things weren't rainbows and butterflies at all, rather far from it and after the incident at the construction site he decided to carry the gun with him all the time. Taehyung hadn't come by the house since that day, but in flashing glimpses at times when he traced his car trailing him or caught the same car wait on the other side of the street as he peered through the kitchen window while working he knew, he knew he was around.

And although Jin knew about the dangers, he couldn't help but foolishly walk up to the car at times.

Namjoon and Hoseok were always busy, Jungkook mostly pressed under balancing being an informer, an officer and a friend. He was glad to be on better terms with Jin again, helping him out at the shooting range as Jin practiced his aim, watched with glossy eyes as he reminisced about the earlier days at Jin's apartment when smiles were easy and frequent.

But behind all of these were the ongoing incidents that were riling up Axel, Taehyung had been incessantly ransacking more weapons hold, revealing more of Axel's hideouts and the events were all over the news as achievements of the crime bureau.

That was until Kai's fury reached its limit, and as Namjoon had predicted, all Hell broke loose.

It took Byun two weeks but Sunmi, more like her corpse, was finally tracked and three more bodies were recovered along with hers' from a deserted construction site outside the city. Then began the gory interrogations of every possible doubt, which led to greater questions and to a narrower line of suspects, to finally reach to the cab driver who had dropped a boy at the spot the very afternoon Sunmi had been shot dead.

And the minute they acquired the details from the card the boy had used to pay the driver it didn't take Kai a second guess to realize what must have happened. In the next few days Byun had effectively intercepted the entire game Taehyung had been so slyly playing with them.

Jungkook walked into the lavish penthouse, his steps echoing in the numbed magenta and cyan lights playing over the dark floor while his eyes searched for the person who had called him there.

"Your dear friends are trying to test me kid, if I were you I'd warn them"

Jungkook heard a clink of the ice against glass in the dark and traced a figure on the lone settee facing the large glass window overseeing the twinkling night life of the city.

He walked closer and heard a chuckle as the clink resonated a second time.

"It's all fun and games until I decide otherwise" Kai handed him the empty glass and stood up "I need you to pick someone up for me".

"What?" "You mean who" Kai handed him a photograph and patted his shoulder walking away "by tomorrow afternoon, bring him here and be nice to him. He is a guest."

Jungkook's knees buckled and throat clogged as he looked at the picture in his hand, those soft brown eyes and the endearing smile too familiar to mistake be it anywhere.

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