33. How Far Will I Go For You?

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Third Person's P. O. V.

As evening set in Jungkook walked back into the penthouse with calculated steps brushing off the fear from his features when his eyes caught Rayden and Byun conversing on the lavish sofa. He halted by the entryway, pretending to be minding his business with the stuff around as he listened to the talk, every word making his blood freeze and throat dry up.

"Where's the damn boy?!"

Kai's angry words broke him out of his thoughts.

"Should have known, worthless in every way aren't you?"  "They took him to the bureau as a witness of the case. There was nothing I could do, too many officers around" Jungkook informed keeping his eyes forcibly straight on his father's while a line of sweat trickled down the side of his face.

For the time being this was the best he could do, it wasn't an absolute safe bet but what other choice did he have.

"I don't want to hear any shit, you're there for a reason! Get him out and bring him here, tonight! Or I swear to god you'll meet your dear mother real soon!"

"B-but.." "Keep your weakass sobs, blow up the bureau for all I care but I want him here by tonight. Now get going, I got bigger stuff to deal with" Kai said pacing away to join the others. Jungkook gulped as he stood there listening to them how they wanted to trap the colonel to get the code and how Jimin had been taken to the obscure hideout three towns over.

For a moment Jungkook considered being dead would be a far better option than to live through such predicaments but then again this was the first time he had a team to be responsible about and almost instantly realized what a terrible mistake he had committed. In his fear struck state he had not thought how leaving Jimin alone could be this disastrous when in reality he needed their help the most.

And he knew what he had to do to fix this.

"I need back up right now!!" Namjoon growled at the General "Kim you have to understand I need time, give me time to put the entire thing together, do you not realize that this mission was kept covert for a reason. I told-" "That was then! Axel knows! They fucking know everything!"

He banged his hands on the table, eyes flaring as he glared at the man in front of him "do you not understand what has happened??! Taehyung has been captured, we don't even know if he is  alive or not! They broke into my home and kidnapped Jimin!" His throat clogged, the words too heavy to speak "he is pregnant and needs constant care, they took him!"

"Namjoon, I'm trying but you have to understand that it's Axel we're dealing with, we cannot be rash. We cannot make the same mistakes again! It's stupid to just rush in, what if this is what they planned? A trap."

"Sir, with all due respect, I don't give a fuck. Either you give me back-up or I'm taking Chief's unit and his team from the bureau to get him back. Deal with the media and higher-ups the way you want. I really don't care right now" he said leaving the table heading towards the door.

"Namjoon! You can't take such decisions on your own, that's against the rules Kim!"

But Namjoon walked out unbothered, he had seen too many rules all his life, played by those all his life and yet to what end?

He had always fired his gun only in the name of the nation, for the good of the people, today might be the first time he'd fight for himself, for Jimin and their future.

"Tell Chief I need all units, every single officer ready in one hour, pack all that you need for an extraction and Hoseok, get rid of those freaking sirens, I swear if I hear a single one I'm gonna blow up that car" an enraged Namjoon spoke into his phone as he headed home to get prepped for the ultimate showdown "and did you find Jin? Could you contact Jungkook yet? Or is his cover revealed too?"

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