23. All About Lies

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Seokjin's P. O. V.

Don't panic...you're not hurt..is this a shipping container?

I think so...kinda looks like a make-shift home. 

I roam around the limited space running my hands over everything my eyes fell on with fear clouding my head, I tried hitting at the sealed dark glass windows and of course the only thing that looks something like a door is locked from the outside. I rummage through the overhead shelves only to find a truck load of ramen, cereals and bags of snacks stuffed haphazardly, there was a couch in the middle where a crumpled blanket stayed making me deduce that whoever had brought me here had slept there.

Seems like someone actually lives here

Next I head to the closet standing right in front of the couch only to find it locked. There's no sign of my phone, there's no laptop or any devices so as to help me contact someone. Apprehension grew in my heart, I felt feverish and my breath sputtered abruptly as a million fears pricked at my head.

You knew this could happen, didn't you? You knew and yet you wanted to risk it. You think Axel is easy to meddle with? You knew they would catch you eventually.

But why here, what is this place anyway? I'm not hurt, not even cuffed or caged. Whatever this place is, it doesn't look dangerous per se, more like a hiding place but...what if...what if whoever brought me here is psychotic?
What if they want to torture me? Oh God! Will they kill me and sell my organs? But if they wanted they could have done that already...what if...if they try to rape me or..or put me up for human-trafficking?

Terror like a tsunami broke over me as I felt suffocated in the little space, hitting at the windows and the door with double strength, wishing that someone would come to help.

Funny how the first face that popped up in my head was Taehyung's.

I wanted to believe I could help him out of this, but he broke my faith. He lied to me!

Everyone had warned me about this, Kook was right, I am such a fool, pathetic, stupid and naive!

I slumped down on the couch as tears threatened to spill out.

Who am I kidding, I knew this would happen, I knew and yet...

Tears trickled down as I remembered how I had stupidly wanted to run to him when I saw those people hurt him, how I had yearned to help, how I wish that everything is just a bad dream, a fabrication of my artful brain and I'd open my eyes soon to see him sleeping peacefully by my side, with his messy dark hair and slightly parted soft lips, his warmth pressed on me as he smothers his affection on my lips.

Oh the way his eyes twinkle when he looks at me with so much need...the way his lips curve and I know what he is trying to speak...the poetry his every touch leaves on my skin...

My eyes fix on the floor as my mind shuffled through a helix of our impassioned moments, my body losing itself in the waves of our pooling lust as he lapped at the burning need oozing out of me. An avalanche of desires reaching out to engulf my soul, crawling his way to seize onto me and spreading himself out in my blood like an everlasting thirst, colouring me in his dark hues and I, basking in his flares.

I knew and yet I gave in, I had no power to resist him, how could I when all I saw in his eyes were vast pools of pain, heard only his wails for a bit of love, for a bit of care?

But I would never call it pity, his blood-stained hands wouldn't let me pity him anyway and yet I would let those same hands pleasure me, and all that blood could be mine and I wouldn't mind.

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