13. Maverick on the Run

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Namjoon's P. O. V.

"Colonel you're allowed to leave" a young Private let the door open and almost instantly we rushed out to see a lot of commotion in the hallway as a hoard of soldiers busied themselves to follow their respective duties.

The Major who had fled from the regretful scene at the dockyard a year ago had finally been captured.

The escapee was dragged out of the elevator while a dozen armed soldiers encircled him, the very cadets who had saluted him once now believed that he deserved such treatment. It was a gruesome sight to watch a battered and bloody Taehyung in handcuffs but it was the man who had his strong grip on the Major brewed liquid rage in my blood.

Jin-Young's eyes momentarily flitted over Jackson and me as he passed by. I heard him report to the officials how the Major had resisted the request to quietly accompany them back to the headquarters under the General's orders and had even attempted to flee which was the reason why he had to resort to violent measures. I watched Taehyung throw him a silent glare and realized how shrewdly Jin-Young was playing this.

There's no doubt that it was Jin-Young who had survived the disastrous mission and had given the information to the General which could convict the Major. It was he who had relayed classified information to Axel, the mole who had brought down the team.

And if you ask me, I think it was not his brain which devised it all, I believe he is a mere pawn in the hands of someone who is used to playing big; a master puppeteer who revels in power and enjoys such cynical games.

Tension was slowly churning inside my head when a composed Yoongi walked out of the room in his crisp suit, a briefcase in hand and his eyes set on mine to silently assert that he was ready for the days' feat.

"There you go" a fussing Hoseok finally exhaled as he finished priming up Seokjin.

I know I might be risking it too much in putting an untrained, obviously-unaware and totally-not-ready-to-face-guns-at-his-head boy in the midst of such difficult stuff but I have no other choice but to trust his innocent zeal to rescue and protect, and Taehyung's instincts.

If things go well then they will get each other safely out of there, and if things go wrong...well, maybe it's finally time to check if prayers actually work.

"We're here" I said killing the engine as we reached the familiar parking lot at the basement and checked the two in the passenger seat "ready?" I saw Seokjin exhale loudly "I guess so" he said trying trying to gulp down his anxiety as his jittery gaze fluttered about.

A short nod was all I received from the doctor before we stepped out of the car.

From the corner of my eye I checked Jungkook drive in the black SUV and halt near the south-side exit of the building, gesturing me an 'all set' but worry still teeming in his eyes as he glanced over Seokjin one last time.

The kid is yet to learn that emotions in our line of work is a serious drawback, although it takes time to learn to be cold and one often loses the trait when out of practice. An image of a happy giggling Jimin flashed and I could feel needles all over my skin mocking me for that little cozy corner I had unknowingly reserved for the fluffball.

Yes, I have been out of practice.

Focus Namjoon, focus. I shook away the image to get back my head at the work at hand and led the two to the elevator.

"Dr. Min is here to check and tend to the Major" I asserted to the Privates at the mouth of the hallway. They gave me a pointed look but decided to show us the way, I followed with decided strides as a smirk slowly crept up...well folks, here we go.

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