12. Uncover

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Yoongi's P.O.V.

It's been an hour that I've been driving and Jin has not stopped asking me questions even for a millisecond.

After I met with them I realized I had to take them back, the meeting must have gone south but that doesn't explain this sudden attack on Taehyung. Hoseok thinks it's going to get worse than they had expected, and despite dealing with life and death situations every day I am worried.

I was glad that they had not hurt Jin at all, Jungkook is fine just a few bruises although he is still unconscious and resting comfortably in Jin's embrace.

A soft groan broke Jin's constant enquiries and Jungkook shuffled back to consciousness."Jin..." he drawls out, "Kook, oh! Thank God you're awake! How are you feeling?" Jin squealed pulling his arm from around Jungkook to help him sit up.

"He is fine Jin, let the boy breathe" I said trying to calm his jitteriness but was struck dumb as I saw Jungkook snuggle back into Jin's embrace "I still have an awful headache, can you please give me a massage?" I rolled my eyes seeing the little shit hadn't changed at all.

"Kook" thankfully Jin had now directed his questions to the boy who was resting with his head on his lap "they took Taehyung away...You knew those people were after him didn't you? Who are they?"

Jungkook stayed silent for what seemed like the longest minute "I'm sorry but I cannot tell you Jin". "Kook please, Yoongs won't say anything, you won't say anything, those people beat him up badly and kidnapped him! Why aren't we calling the cops? What the hell is going on?!" His face went red with rage and I could see that he was desperately trying to hold back tears.

"It's for your own safety" I tried to reason with him, "Fuck safety! I was right there when we were attacked! I demand to know, at least then I'll know to be prepared" he yelled at us furiously and Jungkook sat up to console him.

"Please calm down, I will tell you" I glanced at him through the rear view mirror and realized he was not joking, I saw him chew his lower lip in hesitation before a short sigh made out of his lips.

"I am not a photography student like I told you, I'm an undercover soldier" I could tell Jin had stopped breathing "and so are Hoseok, Col. Namjoon and... Major Taehyung".

Jin's face lost all its color and I realized it was going to be a really long drive.

Jungkook's P. O. V

I'm not sure if it was right of me to tell Jin so much, but it is true that knowing will keep him alert.

Things have gone haywire, I was supposed to ensure Taehyung's safety but the ambush had taken me completely by surprise. I would say it was Rayden's men, but then again the attackers seemed way more professional than thugs and their dark uniform is something I can never erase from my head.

But one thing I am sure about, they wanted him alive.

I finally pulled the car into the driveway of Col. Wang's home, it was a long drive and halfway en route I had swapped places with Yoongi letting him and Jin catch some z's.

"Hey, we're here" I patted Jin's shoulder trying to wake him up and he flinched opening his eyes to suddenly stare at me, I guess he's still jittery from the earlier experience.

"It's ok, it's just me" I let my hand glide from his shoulder to his neck knowing how he always relaxed at my caresses but I felt a sharp sting at my heart when he leaned away. He turned away from me to wake Yoongi and I stood frozen as the realization dawned on me, he was hurt, his trust had been shaken and he was not comfortable with me anymore.

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