56. Sign of the Times

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#violent scenes

Third Person’s P.O.V.

“It should be an easy one…from what I learnt there’s only a dozen of them hiding in some beat down place” Jungkook spoke placing a handful of snapshots on the table before Namjoon, Hoseok and Taehyung before he went back to playing with Soo, who denied him to be a moment away from giving her all the attention.

This was the one reason Jungkook loved coming here, getting to play with the little girl and feeling the adoration she gave him made him feel hope and that tough grief inside seemed to thaw. Despite his million trials to not think about how far away Jin and Soohee had drifted away from him now that Taehyung was back and they were living as a family, it irked him within. He was but human…and greed to be selfish is our natural instinct for something we desperately want.

He told himself he was stupid…it wasn’t anything new though, he had always been stupid to think that maybe…just maybe if he wanted it hard enough then he too could live his dream…

“Went to have a drink with your friends eh?” Taehyung taunted, a tiny hint of anger in his voice “they believe you too easily don’t they? Well, you are a rat after all…just like them…” he scoffed checking through the photos.

“We are lucky that they still think I am one of them…infiltrating wouldn’t be this easy otherwise” he spoke looking past the evident insult keeping all his attention on the little girl “quite the biter you are” he pulled his finger away giggling when she tried to chomp on it “she’s teething…I’ll get you some teething toys the next time I come, okay?” He spoke to her as he caressed her brunette locks pressing a kiss to her head.

“Not essential…she has those” Taehyung informed with a dry voice, chucking the suggestion as he tried not to lose his cool. He knew he was probably being paranoid, truthfully it wasn’t even that he wanted to actually kill Jungkook but somewhere within him something cruel arose every time he thought how easily Jungkook had been forgiven despite the crimes he had committed.

“Jin said she’d need to be taken to the doc for one of her vaccinations, I had gone along with her all the other times and she gets ugly mad when they-” “We’ll manage” Taehyung replied tersely, his agitation growing now. Hoseok rolled his eyes at him knowing Taehyung was yet again being the snappy emo while he checked through the information they’d need to make sure that the plan for the next day would not backfire in anyway.

“I was just saying because you haven’t seen how she gets on-” “Yeah thanks for reminding me…I was busy playing hustle behind bars” he snapped at him and Namjoon didn’t want to but knew he had to get into it now.

“Taehyung he didn’t mean-” “I don’t fucking care! Stop fucking defending him will you?!” His deep enraged words made the place suddenly feel grim.

“No wonder Jin keeps feeling it difficult to talk to you…why wouldn’t he though…?” Hoseok scoffed, judging him hard.

The words made Taehyung go visibly cold, his rage turning to a heavy silence and he denied to answer them anymore as the realization dawned on him yet again that Jin had been intentionally not sharing his troubles only with him. He actually felt humiliated now, to be told that Jin didn’t feel comfortable sharing his troubles with him.

“Can we just get back to planning the infiltration?” He cleared his throat, dropping his head low as he tried to drive this constant clawing agitation that was growing within him.

It was a few hours later when Jin came home, to find them all busy and Soo sitting on Hoseok’s lap but instantly began to make grabby hands when her eyes caught on her Appa.

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