45. Wherever You Are

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Third Person’s P.O.V.

“The reports of the blood work seems fine but..” the doctor spoke just when Jin left the room to change out of the hospital gown and Jungkook slightly flinched before he was turning back towards the voice “he’s very very stressed out, and it’s messing up his blood pressure which might end up becoming a problem altogether, especially for him”

Her words were a warning and Jungkook gulped not knowing how to assure that he could take care of Jin and make it better.

“He’s not sleeping well either, his vitals are fine but this is affecting the baby. He should have been able to feel her movements by now” she looked at him with worried eyes “make sure you keep him in a lighter happier mood, you know, go out, pamper him, spend time with him more…he seems to be terribly missing out on physical affection, which he actually needs right now. I’d suggest sex could help-” “Uh-I’m just gonna go check on him” he pushed up off the chair, face flaring red as he looked everywhere else but at her. 

“O-Oh-ok-ay” she got equally startled at his reaction and before she could say anything else Jin entered the room making Jungkook stare at him with wide startled eyes.

“Ah Seokjin, I got something to suggest to you too” her words made Jungkook snap his head at her and he fidgeted, desperate yet politely tried to tell her that they had to leave and would make sure to schedule another appointment soon.

“Sure, but I’d suggest you take leave from work. You’re already close to your third trimester and your baby’s heartbeat is a little rushed than normal…must be an effect of your own stress. Nothing to worry about though” she gave him a smile “just make sure to stay happy” and as they checked the necessary meds and got ready to take their leave she spoke to Jungkook again “even a belly rub might help him, or you can just sing to him you know…help him relax” she smiled trying to soften Jungkook’s stiff discomfort at her words, realizing slowly that the two probably weren’t partners.

Jungkook drove him back home, peering time and again at the other while Jin remained completely lost as he gazed at the new ultrasound image, dreamily pondering over how fast his little girl was growing.

At home Jin got a delightful surprise to see Jimin and Namjoon there, and instantly went ahead to cradle Minjae who made grabby hands at him but was stopped by Jungkook midway who opted to cradle the kid instead.

“You should try and be more careful Jin…didn’t you hear the doctor?”

The words obviously drew Jimin’s concerned eye as he gathered to huddle about the two to inquire.

“Why? What did she say?” Jimin’s worried voice perked up.

“She just told me to get more rest…apparently my stress is affecting her” he spoke caressing his tummy, which had grown quite considerably and was easily traceable even under his over-sized hoodie.

“This isn’t good Jin-“ “Apply for the leave instantly” Jungkook’s voice was quick and stern.

“I will at the end of this week” he nodded acknowledging the advice but Jungkook didn’t seem happy with the response.

“No, do it today. You don’t need to go for even one more day-“ “I said I will Kook, stop getting so worked up” agitation was clear in Jin’s voice and Jimin realized he had to step in.

“Why are you being so casual about this? Even after the doctor warned you…this happened in the first place because you don’t listen to anything we say! How many times have we told you not to torture yourself about things that are beyond your control?!”

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