7.Through the Iron Curtain

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Hobi's P.O.V.

"Hey, I'm heading out. I made some pancakes for the two of you." Yoongi leaned in as I sat on the couch with my laptop. He pressed his lips on mine and I couldn't help but smile into the kiss. If only I could tell him every minute of every day how I love him, how I crave for him in every way and how grateful I am to him for being true to his promises; he had proved that he meant it when he said 'together in every step'. I slung my arms around him and pulled him closer, pressing my lips further on his. He took the hint and opened his mouth to deepen the kiss.

Effortlessly our actions synced as he pushed his tongue in my mouth and I let mine wrap around his, the kiss growing more urgent than a simple 'I'll see you soon' peck. I could tell he was as turned on as me as his cold hands rubbed sensually on my sides under the shirt. "Shit! Don't do this to me" he said looking at me through glassy eyes and a flushed face, his breathing heavy with need. "Have a nice day dear" I said teasingly licking his lips one last time before retracting my arms from around him. He smirked and straightened himself trying to control the growing bulge below the belt. "I will make sure you pay for this" he said fixing his hair as he walked towards the door and turned around to eye me one last time before closing the door "with double the interest". I chuckled not being sorry at all, although I'm aware he's going to make the payback hard on me.

"That. Was. So. Hot!" I snapped my head and saw Jin squeaking from the stairway with a grin. "You creepy starved ass" I jibed, trying to control my smile and headed to the kitchen to grab some breakfast.

"So you gonna tell me or not" I tried to edge into the discussion which has been gnawing at the back of my mind since last night. We were currently driving to the orphanage, I thought it would be a good idea to bring Jin along since without his camera he literally had nothing else to do. "About what?" He asked rather innocently, I just hope he is well aware of his situation right now.

I swear it's not me being paranoid, I saw them last night and I don't care if Yoongi thinks I'm being over-protective of Jin! Taehyung is the one person whom everyone knows as the rudest, taciturn and unaffectedly detached, and I am bothered about why he seems so interested in my best friend! "About how you and Taehyung were together when you entered the diner last night? About what he told you before we left for the night? About why you were asking him to call you?!" Ok, I agree, maybe I am over-reacting a little bit but I am really affected with what I saw; more so because the two of them were acting so unnatural of themselves. Jin is not comfortable with making eye contact with strangers, I could see his uneasiness with Namjoon, Jimin, Joy and the others who came up to talk to him but then what is this about!

"That shithead stole my backpack, when I saw him at the shop last night I asked him to return it. He said he didn't have it with him and asked for my number to call me when he could. That's about it." He said with an annoyed expression and gave me the stink eye for the nth time because I had been too engaged in other stuff last night. Well, if you ask me he was the one who was over-reacting! "He asked for your number?" He nodded. "And you gave it to him?" This whole thing is taking my astonishment to the next level. He nodded again "I need my backpack, all my supplies and notes are in it." Wait, I think I'm missing something "When and how did he steal it?" It just keeps getting more intriguing!

I saw him exhale and then began explaining the whole forest fiasco before Yoongi had arrived to pick him up. "So that's why the camera was in such a miserable condition." "Well I survived, thankfully" he chuckled at my expression. I hope so too Jin, at least for your sake.

By the time we reached the mansion the school hours had started so most of the hallways were deserted, I showed Jin around the three-storied building which had a big crescent lake at the back and a well kempt garden in the front. It was almost like a boarding school rather than an orphanage. "I have to attend a meeting soon, will you be alright by yourself?" He promptly nodded without looking at me, I could see Jin was enraptured by the place as he eagerly peered over the railing taking in the view. I don't blame him, this is a small isolated town but the place sure has its charms to offer. My eyes caught sight of a truck driving through the front gates and pulled over right by the door to the mansion. Namjoon stepped out and waved at us, he is here for the meeting but my eyes fixed at the driver seat.

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