4. Call of the Wild

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Seokjin's P.O.V.

Sleep deprived. Jet lagged. Nauseous.

I groaned in discomfort as I shifted in my seat. Currently I am on a bus which has been winding up and down hills heading for its destination. Despite my cranky mood I cannot deny that the view outside is absolutely mesmerizing!

As the bus sped further away from the nearest airport I watched the scenery shift from crowded shops and clogged traffic to aged pines and sprawling greens all around. The temperature went down bit by bit and I was glad that I had packed a shrug in my backpack. 

It was well into the afternoon when I hopped off of the bus, I gathered my trolley bag and decided to wait awhile at the deserted bus stop. Yoongi had told me to wait here until his shift was done at the hospital. I checked my watch "40 minutes till 4". I took a deep breath inhaling the musky mountain air, the scent of pines pervading my nostrils. Except for the speeding away of a car once in a while there wasn't a soul to be seen. I looked around, might as well do some work in the meantime. Grabbing my backpack which had my camera I decided to venture into the wilderness a bit.

What could possibly go wrong...

Among a range of varied coos and chirps I followed the shrill piping of what I recognized as the call of a white-breasted nuthatcher. Stepping over a few rocky boulders I found myself at the mouth of a pine forest, the sun a mellow yellow lighting the expanse.

Don't worry, you're not going to get lost here. Besides, you have a map and a compass. Tread on brave-heart! It takes a curious mind to find adventures!

I found it, the cooing nuthatcher which had built its nest in the hollow of a huge tree. Delighted I clicked away, too focused on the sound of the shutter.

Then a piercing whirring noise caught my ear. I turned my head at the direction trying to check what it was. I could not see much so I followed the sound. It was steady, as I edged closer to it I could tell it was some kind of machinery. I climbed over a mossy mound to see a group of men huddled together, three big trucks standing at a little distance away. Getting curious I tread further in that direction through a zigzag of towering pines.


Suddenly a palling silence took over and then a deafening crash echoed. It was as if the skies began grumbling angrily and something gigantic was coming at me. I panicked and stood frozen, my reflexes had given up on me. I was sure I was going to get crushed under the falling tree.

I guess this is why they say curiosity killed the cat.

It all happened so fast. I had shut my eyes fearing the impact until pain shot through me and I felt a big lug pressing down on me.

Shit! I can't breathe...
I should have listened when people told me to control my recklessness. I gasped and tried to move.

"Fuck!" A deep voice groaned at my ear. His breath hit my neck and my eyes shot open in shock.

What...! What happened?!

The man slowly pulled his head back and stared at me as he hovered on top of me. It seemed as if he was holding his breath. You have unusual eyes....wait, what am I thinking??! I tried to tear away from his intense gaze and shifted uneasily feeling my body heat up.

"You're heavy" I huffed having nothing better to say. Gosh! Why am I so lame, this umm 'situation' is getting me flustered. I turned my head to a side, it is then that I realized that the back of my head was resting on his palm and the certain tingling feeling crept up to my cheeks. I felt his weight lift off of me and my eyes followed him.

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