22. Fire and Ice

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Jungkook's P. O. V. 

Taehyung knows how I feel about Jin

I keep my eyes on the wall as my entire body trembled and burned with anger and frustration, he left but my mind is still troubled with the image of his mouth forcefully claiming Jin's.

I need to hit something...need to vent ...need to hurt!

I support myself against the wall feeling my head throb, my breath catch and something painfully crumbled within my chest.

"Are you ok? Kook your head" "W-why? It d-doesn't even matter" my words stammered out, anger and agitation streaming through my veins. I don't want to face him, don't want him to hear me because I know it's too late as I feel a wrathful venom gushing through my soul.

"You're an idiot! You'll ruin yourself and you want me to stand and watch that?!" My voice was an angry roar as I turned to lunge at him, knowing all too well that I'm losing it but it's beyond me to try n control now.

I seethed in enrage as I felt my grip tighten on him "you know what he's capable of and you still let him near you?! How stupid can you be Jin?"

Yes, I know he has been following Axel around, more like I wanted him to. I knew he had checked the data saved on my laptop about Axel, their plans and the projects. I thought if he could see the inhumane gruesome actions Taehyung is capable of then he'd come to his right mind to turn away from the man.

"H-he promised he w-won't hurt anyone a-anymore" his feeble voice squeaked as he tried to wiggle out of my severe grasp "they d-don't give him a choice Kook, they h-hurt and threaten him".

I watched his pleading teary eyes with disbelief, my fear branching out to bear more fury as I trace the love and care and weakness in his eyes for Taehyung, pushing me further into my scathing ire.

"You think he will keep that promise?" I watched his eyes grow wider with alarm "he authorized the murder of ten police officers last night, blew up a wing at the airport wounding so many, and God knows what countless other carnage he's been committing all around!!"

He's sobbing incessantly, with every lashing accusation I throw at Taehyung he begs for forgiveness and hides his face crying breathlessly. I wanted to yell at him to stop crying and see what he has been surrounding himself with, he needs to stay away, far far away from people like Taehyung.

From people like me.

Felt my control slip to give way to a wrecking fire and unthinkingly blurted "only you are stupid enough to believe he won't kill again, I bet you he'll break his promise tonight and yet you'll be stupid not to see who he has become".

A mistake, a huge mistake that I should not have made but I did.

It was then I realized that the little fire I had tried to snub out all this time has preserved itself in secrecy to grow into a violent storm, seeking control over what it craves for, potent enough to kindle a destructive wildfire.

"I am on my way" "You have 45 mins to reach there, talk to me when you reach" her voice was as flat as a recorded message "check the plan n details I sent you".

She hung up and I clutched at my iPad to scroll through the info. Missions, as always, are a torture for me because I've never been good at delivering what was demanded of me, but today things are different.

Today I have more than one concern.

I checked the guns for the umpteenth time, praying that I wouldn't have to use those but if needed I knew today I would.

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