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April 2nd
6:14 am

Silva Pov

"You don't own me. Don't tell me what to eat." (Y/N) replied back and she's really pissed. It's hard to explain to her directly that I had no choice, since it's highly unlikely Kikyō did not put poison on her food. Or at least intolerable amount of laxatives to make her suffer.

"Please." I looked at her in the eye to convey my message, yet she only gave me a cold shoulder.

"Mom, vegetables are good for your heart." Sylvia, the girl I mistakenly thought was a boy, specifically my other son Killua—from the hair-color, style, grey hooded shirt and shorts she wore yesterday—helped me convince her mother to refuse the meat, no matter how high-grade it was.

Fortunately, my ex-girlfriend eventually ate the mixed fresh vegetables whilst watching her daughter help clear up the glass bowl as well.

"Sylvia's training shall commence at eight." Father announced as he drank his warm tea, "Kalluto can accompany her to get used with Mike—"

"Excuse me, I thought Illumi will help me train?" Sylvia stood up so suddenly, she nearly toppled her tall glass of water over the table.

"There's been a change of plans," Father responded with a weary sigh. "Illumi has to leave for a mission and Milluki has holed himself inside his room."

The girl has shown great dejection on her expression and slowly slumped back on her chair.

"It's alright baby, I'll be there for you." (Y/N) immediately assured her but the girl just nodded, not even raising her head.

"I'm afraid that's not gonna happen." I stated sternly, to emphasize the severity of what I'm about to say.

"And why, may I ask?" Even though her tone is calm, I can sense the growing annoyance underneath that mask.

"Mike is our guard dog. That beast only recognizes Zoldycks and will slaughter anyone else because it is trained that way."

"Oh, I see." She smiled bitterly. "Sorry, I completely forgot I was an outsider."

"That is not what I meant." I instantly defended myself, however, it was already too late. She was hurt. The glow on her eyes disappeared and slightly biting her lower lip proved that, no matter how hard she tried to conceal her feelings.

"Glad to know that you are aware of your place." Kikyo spoke with contempt.

"Yeah, but mysteriously, some people couldn't mind their own business to the point they actually abducted my child, and now here we are." (Y/N) retorted and the two quietly exchanged sharp glares.

"Will you come back tonight?" Sylvia somehow reduced the growing tension between them by cutting through the suffocating atmosphere while sending Illumi those adorable puppy eyes.



"I have to make sure my little brother is safe, the whole time he takes a special test." Illumi explained patiently.

I wonder how Sylvia made him be this engaged to a conversation? I took a sip of my hot, black coffee and sneakily glanced at (Y/N). Her scowl against Illumi was being matched by the intensity of Kikyo's clenching jaws.

"Is it dangerous?" The unbothered girl asked and listened attentively.

"Yes. Because it's a Hunter's Exam." He continued to reply without looking. "Where people gamble with their lives to get a Hunter's License, even if the rate of a rookie to pass was once every three years."

"Wow... um... how long will it last?"

"I have no idea. It's my first time as well."

"Can I come?"

"Sylvia!" (Y/N) raised her voice and apologized right after, "I'm sorry sweetheart but you can't enter yet, t-there's a specific age to be considered."

"I... see..." she pouted and twirled her fork over the scrambled egg. Deafening silence surrounded us a minute later, which Illumi smoothly broke out of the blue.

"Underage participants can apply if they have consent from their parent or guardian." Illumi spared a glance on (Y/N) and she widened her eyes back at him.

"What does that mean?" Sylvia asked curiously.

"You can join if your mother signs a waiver—"

"Not happening." (Y/N) gritted her teeth to suppress her emotions, however, Sylvia can see it as bright as day on her facial expression.

"Hey mom, I remember you said you had a Hunter's License but you can't use it on my birthday to rent a fast food restaurant. So does that mean you also did the Hunter's Exam and passed?"

 So does that mean you also did the Hunter's Exam and passed?"

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So... how hard was it to get a Hunter's License (Y/N)? XD

I just wanna apologize my brain couldn't keep up with all of my books that need updating. I swear I'm trying to imagine multiple scenarios as fast as I can. Hope you'll enjoy and thank you for supporting my book. >.<
Goodnight everyone!

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