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July 1st
7:09 am

Reader Pov

"N-no we're not." I forced a smile even if it's bitter and fixed my messy clothing in place. I was about to ask them to leave when Killua just dropped a bomb on me.

"Dad, I told you don't kįll her."

Silva had no explanation even after I sent him a questioning gaze. "... I think you should go home, it's still early and I have work to do."

"I just came to say sorry..." Killua said in tiny, fidgeting.

"Don't worry about it." I quickly lead him to the kitchen just to get away from Silva's line of vision. So I could let my tears go in silence while I cut our supposedly anniversary cake to feed his... son, the day he attempted to take my life.

Stabbęd. No, not only once but nonstop piercing on every available inch of my heart. For seventeen years I've been looking and waiting for him to find me. Thinking he was abducted by his own family. And now, as if the wounds weren't enough, he had to sprinkle lime juice all over them.

"Um... (Y/N)," I flinched at Killua's voice and my bubble of thoughts popped off, "The cake..."

"Oh, forgive me I was still in a daze," I let out a deep sigh and decided to give him the whole thing, including it's box. "I think, it's better for you to eat that elsewhere. I-I'm not feeling well today and I don't want to pass it onto you."

Luckily, the smart boy was easy to convince. I guided him back to the door and it seems like Silva has already left.

"(Y/N), I wish I can come here again." Killua said in a puppy eyed gesture. "It's my birthday this weekend and I like your cake than others."

"O-of course you can stop by anytime you want. I promise I'll bake you one for your special day." I assured him.

"Take care on your way home!" I yelled by the low, wooden gates and watched him grow smaller till he disappeared in a corner lot.

I'm not sure if I should be relieved I'm back to being alone by myself because I just fell into depression again and based on my past experiences, the phase won't disappear in a flash. Those gloomy thoughts got me sinking into the depths of the abyss once again so I realized I have to take a long cold shower for now and get my ass busy to forget.

The plan worked till I finished conjuring all four orders by different Mafia leaders. Customized daggers for them to flaunt on special occasions.

I got exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally so after brushing my teeth at bedtime, soothing forty-two degrees warm water and bath salts had me dozing off in no time. I guess I've cried too much within a day.

Fuçk this life. I'm so tired of it...


July 1st
9:45 pm

Silva Pov

Damn it. This is my fault.

As soon as I saw (Y/N) sinking in a bathtub, I immediately scooped her body out and checked for pulse. It was faint but there was at least a sign of life in there. I laid her down the plain maroon tiles and pumped the water out of her lungs as gentle as possible so that I won't accidentally crush her chest.

I haven't even noticed I was holding my own breath the whole time till I had to give her a mouth to mouth resuscitation, putting all my concentration to the gravity of the situation rather than focusing on how soft her lips feel under mine.


I instantly got turned on at her groan. However, before I could lose my control, her head jerked up and coughed liquids out. As much as I want to tend to her needs, I preferred to leave quietly and keep an eye on her from afar.


I hope y'all enjoyed and thank you for your support.

Third Party (SilvaZoldyckxFemale!Reader) 18+Where stories live. Discover now