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April 20th
3:15 pm

April 20thTuesday3:15 pm

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( Sylvia and Killua's Meeting )

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( Sylvia and Killua's Meeting )

Killua Pov

"Hey!" I yelled after noticing a kid was playing in the sand me and my brothers used to play back when I was younger.

"Huh?" The stranger said. Seeing the person's face made me confused as if I was looking directly on a mirror. The resemblance is undeniable and the only reason I can think of is a sort of punishment my mother have arranged for my return.

To confirm if it wasn't an illusion, I threw my skateboard and that imitation didn't even manage to dodge it, causing a red mark on it's forehead and an ear-piercing bawl.

"Ouch! How rude! Why did you that?"

Based on the voice and gestures, I'm more than surprised that my copycat was actually a girl. I had to blink and look at her from head to toe in disbelief but all I see is myself with the same style of clothes.

"Who are you?" I asked curiously. Checking her in details made me realize she's smaller in height and built so

"Who ARE YOU?" She responded with a frown. I bet she's as confused as me due to our undeniable similarities but I don't buy it. I think of her reactions as more or less a trap for me to lose my guard.

"Master Killua, please forgive me for the late introduction. This is Lady Sylvia and she's one of your siblings." One of the butlers explained and made it worse.

"I don't believe you." I left as soon as possible and rushed towards our home in the heart of the mountain. She tried to follow me so I swerved the other way to prevent her from tracking my path and it worked until I bumped into my father who looks like he had been waiting for me at the foot of the Kukuroo mountain.

The sky in this part of the country usually is dark, but it's somewhat worse from usual and now I know why. I'm dęad. My father will definitely torturę me to hell and back for hurting my mom and brother.

"You thought you can get rid of me that easily?" The girl caught up and made the atmosphere even heavier to bear.

In a split second my father dashed in front of her and from my position I thought he slapped her. He hasn't spoken a thing and it makes me feel even more anxious when he's being all mysterious.

I wanted to ask him a lot of things but he just gestured for us to shut up and follow him. I did without complaint yet the other one kept asking where we were going and I'm genuinely surprised that my father has tolerated her complaints and casual approach on him.

Jealous? So what if I am? I thought.

Especially when he had been very strict to us all and out of the blue, a stranger comes by and he suddenly acts like she's special.

That girl was so weak to even defend herself from a simple attack. There's no way my father sees her as a potential prodigy instead of me.

"Wait," she panted and asked for us to take a break, "is that Alluka and Nanika's chamber?"

What the— she knew about Nanika too?!

I have so many questions yet too small of a chance to get answered and it's frustrating.

He only nodded and showed us the way inside the simple cave but it's interior was full of several thick gates that require long passwords to open and I'm totally shocked that Alluka is being held in this kind of place.

All because my parents have lied to me about her disappearance years back.

Went to live with my mom's relatives, my ass. All this time they have imprisoned my poor sister inside a suffocating dungeon of some sort.

"Huh?" I quickly tapped that girl's left shoulder before my father could open the door that I was hoping to be the last. "You're not allowed to get in there."

"Why not?" She just glared at me and forcefully removed my hand off.

"Because Alluka's sensitive and doesn't like interaction with anyone else but me."

"That's what you think."


Sorry for the late update and I hope you'll enjoy it.^^

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