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When I google first date ideas, the cheesy shit that comes up almost make me change my mind. And besides, a lot of it sounds too fucking expensive for my budget. Though Emily deserves all of it. She deserves the whole world. But I can't afford to give her the world. All I have to offer her is me. Big fucking prize! I dread the day she finally sees that she can do better than me.

Until then, I have a chance to prove my worth. So, I'm going to have to consider one of these fucking expensive, "romantic" ideas. I set out what I'm about to do while I take a shower and get dressed at home. I head back out and put my plan in motion by calling Lace. I need two things from him, one of which I know I'm definitely not going to get, money.

"Hi handsome," Mia's voice catches me off guard.

"Mia? Why the fuck do you have Lace's phone?"

"What kind of question is that?"

I didn't think Lace would let Mia go anywhere near his phone. I know for a fact that he chats up girls on Insta.

"Where is he?"

"In the shower, why what's up?"

"I just wanted to ask...wait...in the shower? Who's shower? Whose house are you at?"

I know they're not at Mia's. Her dad hates Lace. Still, them being at Lace's house is even more impossible. We're only allowed at Lace's house once a year for his big Halloween party. For some reason, he's ashamed of all the riches and comforts he has. That's also why he's stingy as fuck. He wants to fit in with us broke kids. Shit, if it was me, I would definitely rub it in everyone's face.

"What's with all the questions Aiden?"

"Who is it?" I hear Lace's voice in the background.

"It's Aiden."

"What does he want?"

"Put Lace on the phone," I demand.

"He wants to talk to you," she tells him.

I hear movement then Lace comes on the phone.

"This is a bad fucking time, what do you want?"

"Where the fuck are you two?"

"None of your business."

"She's at yours, isn't she?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realise I had a jealous girlfriend other than Mia."

"I'm not jealous, I think it's fucked up how you talk about bro code, but you don't let us come to your yard like that."

"Until all of you man have a pussy for me, no, none of you can come to my yard like that. It's not like we chill much at your yard either."

"Well, I'm on my way to yours right now."

"Sorry, I don't swing that way my friend."

"Fuck off. I just need to borrow your speakers and some cash."

"Ha! What makes you think you'll get either?"

"You tight motherfucker. Wait till you ask me for something."

"What do you need it for anyway?"

"None of your business. I'll pay you the money back."

"Fuck the money, I care more about my speakers. What do you need them for?"

"To wipe my ass, what do you think?"

"I swear Aiden, if anything happens to them..."

"Chill man, even if something happens, you can afford to replace them."

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