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I dash the phone across the room and run my fingers through my hair with anger.

Once again, I've fucked up and she doesn't want anything to do with me. It's even more frustrating that I can't go down to her house right now and demand that she speaks to me. She's probably in London around her calibre of people, realising that she's been selling herself short with me the whole time. She's finally accepted that she can do better.

I need a distraction.

Lighting in a cigarette in my room and giving fuck all about setting the fire alarms off, I retrieve my phone and call Serumen.

"Yo, what's happening?" he answers.

"What's the motive for tonight?"

"Huh? Aren't you with Emily tonight?"


"Oh ok," his tone is brighter, "We're all just chilling at mine innit. Come through."

"Who's we?"

"The usual. Not Kieran and them guys don't worry."

"I'm not. I'll see you in a bit."


Serumen's house as usual sounds like a nightclub as I walk in. And it smells like a ganga farm.

He's lucky his mum works nights or she would flip her lid.

In the living room, everyone is just sitting around as usual, chatting shit, smoking weed and drinking.

"Duncan, my man. Come in come in!" Serumen exclaims, pouring me some whiskey in a red cup.

The only seat available is next to Kitty and I can't be arsed.

"I'm alright. Cheers."

I take the drink from him and hang by the doorway. Sipping it slowly, I look around at everyone laughing and talking. It feels strange being here around everyone, without Emily. I feel like something is missing. I feel empty.

"By the way, did you guys hear?" Mia speaks over everyone, "Kieran is going to prom with Keeley. She's all over him these days since he came out of hospital."

For some reason, everyone looks at me for a reaction. I frown in the strongest way possible to let them know that I don't give a shit.

"Bitches love wounded guys," Lace's sarcastic remark.

"Trust. They're always looking to fucking fix them," Serumen agrees.

"Anyway," Kitty takes over the conversation with an eye roll, "Who are you going to prom with Luke?"

"You keep asking everyone that question," Luke laughs, "Are you worried that no one is going to ask you?"

"No," Kitty lies. Her blushing cheeks give her away.

"Aren't you going with Duncan anyway?"

Again, everyone turns to look at me, Kitty with eyebrows raised expectantly. I sip my drink in blissful silence.

"Guess that's a no," Luke says awkwardly.

"So, who are you going with Duncan? For real?"

I don't know what the big deal about prom is. I'm fucking sick of hearing about it. I probably won't go. I'd rather get hit by a car than wear a stuffy suit.

"It's a shame you can't take little miss virgin mary," Kitty taunts me.

I give her a warning look that she ignores.

"Isn't it about time that you tell her the truth by the way?"

"Not this again," Serumen sighs.

"Hear me out," Kitty continues, "How long are you going to keep this fucking charade up for? All the way to college?"

"Why is it any of your fucking business?" I growl in reply.

"It is my business when she's asking me to spend money on hotels and fake IDs in London."


"Kitty shut up!" Serumen warns her.

"No, you shut up. It seems his girl has become part of this group out of nowhere and everyone seems to have forgotten that she only here because Aiden took the bet to fuck her. Now she wants to act like she's your bird or something, arranging a surprise night out for your birthday and shit!"

Everyone groans and sigh, throwing their hands up in the air.

"Oh my god!" Nicole yells out with annoyance.

"Kitty! For fuck's sake!" Serumen berates her.

"You're such a bitch!" Mia scolds her.

"What is everyone on about?" I ask.

Kitty continues with a sly smile, "We're all going down to London for a surprise birthday night out for you apparently."

I'm surprised alright. I can't believe Emily planned this the whole time behind me back, even enlisting the help of my friends. She would have pulled it off too if Kitty had kept her big mouth shut. Kudos to her. I feel relieved to know that she at least doesn't hate me. Otherwise, she would have cancelled the whole thing, right? My heart leaps with hope. Maybe her cold shoulder act is to throw me so I can be even more surprised. I'll have to put my acting chops to good use and act like I never saw it coming.

"Don't you know what surprise means? You weren't supposed to tell him!" I catch the end of Lace's rant at Kitty.

"Wasn't I? Oops. Oh well, cat's out of the bag now," she smiles unapologetically.

My mind wanders again. Emily doesn't hate me. All is right again in the world. I don't even need to be here another minute.

I put my cup down and turn to leave.

"Where are you going?" Lace asks.


"Why? You just got here?" Serumen objects.

"Got things to do."

I don't bother hanging around to hear them argue with me some more.

I leave promptly and make my way to the Atria for some last-minute shopping.

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