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"Yo! Chill out man!" Serumen barks at me as he snatches my pack of cigs off me.

I manage to pull one out as he does and quickly light it up. My fourth so far. It's a cold Wednesday night and we are walking to a house party at Mia's. I take a long hard drag of the cigarette, feeling the fumes rush into my lungs. I know it will kill me some day but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

"Have you got a death wish or something?" Serumen asks in his broad southern accent, "I've never seen you smoke so many cigs in one go. What's up?"


"Who? Who do I need to punch up?" he says excitedly bouncing on his toes and throwing measly punches in the air.

"Relax, Granny Pacquiao. It's not that serious."

"Yo, why'd you have to diss me like that?" he sulks, lagging behind with his arms stretched out.

"Greg is just pissing me off."

"What's he done now?" Serumen asks jogging to catch up with me.

"He keeps calling and showing up at my house, asking dumb questions."

"About what?"

"Just things in general."

More specifically why he couldn't find any information about my mum working at any hospital in Watford, why he was getting calls from our landlord threatening to kick us out for rent arrears and why Lizzie's school had raised a formal complaint to Child Protection Services about the state she was coming to school in and about us not picking her up on time.

I'm struggling to keep up with the lies and it's making me agitated.

"Is it about what happened last summer?" Serumen asks.

"Yeah," I just say, preferring not to delve into the truth.

"Ahh, fuck that! You did your time so what more does he want from you? Just tell him to fuck off. That reminds me, does Emily know about last summer?"

"No!" I bark, "And I want to keep it that way."

He raises his hands in defence.

"Don't worry, she won't hear it from me. But she will hear it eventually. I suppose you still haven't told her about the bet."

My good friend guilt appears at this very moment again.

"Nope," I answer.

"So, you're not worried that she's going to find out?"

"Why would she? Are any of you snitches planning to tell her?"

"Well, I'm not. But I know Kitty has told a few people."

Fucking Kitty.

"I know you're taking your time and having fun playing with her, but I just think you need to get this bet over and done with or just tell her man. Before this all blows up in your face. You know what I'm saying?"

He's right. I can't keep something like that hidden forever. I know how people in that school love to gossip. But I'm not playing with Emily. I don't give a fuck about that bet anymore. I genuinely want her. Especially since lately, I've been feeling closer to her than ever. I've never talked about my past or my family before like I did with her on Saturday night. She really listened and was there for me.

And making out with her. Fuck, thinking about it now was getting me hard all over again. Her beautiful body, those gorgeous curves, her soft lips, her wet...

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