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The bright morning light illuminates the insides of my eyelids. My hand rests on the cold, empty space next to me and it startles me awake. I jerk up in a panic, my heart racing.

He's gone. He left me. I knew it. It was too good to be true.

"You ok?" his deep, morning voice surprises me.

I look across the room to see him sitting on the armchair by the open window. His sketchbook rests between his open legs.

"Yeah," I croak then clearing my throat, "I thought you'd..."

My voice trails as I sheepishly tuck some hair behind my ear.

He sighs and shakes his head. He continues scrawling away, the pencil wobbling furiously. I watch him for a moment before I speak again.

"What time is it?"

"Uhm," he checks his phone, "Half past nine."

"Oh my god!" my eyes widen, "We need to get ready!"

I jump out of bed and almost trip over my own foot, tangled up in some lacy lingerie.

"Fuck's sake, be careful," he says playfully.

"This is your fault," I joke launching my panties from last night at him.

He catches them and sniffs. I squirm with embarrassment.

"Come here," he demands.

I reluctantly walk over to him, and he settles me on his lap. He then pulls out his sketchbook and opens it on his most recent drawing. It's a sketch of me sleeping. I look so peaceful I could be dead. But the detail is amazing. He has an amazing eye for detail.

"Wow, Aiden," I gasp looking between him and the drawing, "That looks so real. You are really talented."

"I have the best muse," he says planting a kiss on my shoulder.

"It looks so real," I repeat, still amazed.

"Almost. I just need to find a way to make it as beautiful as you."

I nudge him playfully.

"Who knew Aiden Duncan was such a romantic," I tease.

"You tell anybody, and I'll deny it."

He pokes my side and I jerk away in a fit of giggles.

"Can I ask you something?" he says in a more serious tone.

I prop myself back up and make eye contact.

He takes a moment to form the question in his mind then asks.

"Have you talked to anyone about your nightmares?"


This is news to me.

"You don't know?"

I shake my head.

"Hmm..." he stares at me pensively.

"Did I have a nightmare last night?"


"A bad one? What did I say?"

He shakes his head, "It's ok, it doesn't matter. You were probably really tired."

I can tell he's not being completely truthful, but I don't want to push it. We are running late already.

"Ok, well, we better get ready. We're going to be late."

"Late for what?"

"Your birthday surprise," I grin giddily.

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