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As I walk up the drive to the front door, I can literally feel my heart beating out of my chest. Both cars are here so both mum and dad must be home. The lights are off in the entire house apart from the living room.

I raise my fist to the door and look one last time at the dark street behind me. Although I can't see him, knowing Aiden is there somewhere does make me feel slightly better.


Taking in a deep breath, I tap the door lightly with my knuckles. There is a deadly silence at the other side of the door before my mum's muffled voice calls out.

"It's open!"

I clutch the door handle uneasily and turn it. Sure enough, the door opens with ease. I step in and glance one last time at the dark street before closing the door behind me.

I tiptoe towards the only room with any sign of life and peek through the doorway. Mum is sat on the sofa sporting a look of worry and hurt. Her legs are crossed, and she is biting her nails, something she always tells me off for being a 'disgusting habit'. Dad is pacing up and down the width of the living room, his arms folded and face scrunched up into an indignant frown. There is a fierce fire blazing in his usually tired eyes, igniting even more when he lays his eyes on me.

"H-" I open my mouth to greet them.

"Sit down!" dad orders me through gritted teeth.

I do as I am told without hesitation. I sit on the sofa opposite mum, my knees raised and shaking, holding on to the edge of the sofa as my heart pounds out of my chest.

My parents are clearly incensed, and it is now more than clear that it is with me. My heart hopes that they haven't discovered the truth about my lies and sneaking around but my mind tells me otherwise.

Dad huffs and puffs as he continues pacing, his mind clearly racing with what to say to me first. He twists and charges towards me, stopping short of stepping on my feet.

"Emily, where were you today?"


"Don't act like you didn't hear me," he growls with a finger in my face, "Where the hell were you today?"

My throat closes up as sweat pours out of my pores.

He knows.

"I was...I was with..."

"Don't!" he shouts making me jump before he continues calmly, "Don't-lie-to me!"

"John, maybe just step back a bit. Give her some space," mum pipes up from behind him.

He ignores her and bares into my eyes, waiting for my reply.

My chest rises and falls quickly as I struggle to breathe. Should I finally tell the truth? But what if they don't know? Then I would be ratting myself out. But can I really lie straight to my dad's face?

"Oh, ok, you don't speak now?" dad grunts with irritation at my prolonged silence, "Or are you just thinking of a better lie?"

"John, could you step aside please so I can see Emily?" mum asks again more firmly.

Every fibre in dad's body fight against it, but he does as he is told.

"Emily," mum asks me in a firm but composed tone, "Be honest, were you with 'Gwen' today or not?"

I nervously shake my head.

"So where? Where the hell have you been huh?" dad's face and spit come back to my face, "Where have you spent your day today after you skipped school Emily?"

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