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It's Christmaaaaassss!!!

Well, almost. It's a few days away and I'm so excited. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year. Every house on every street is lit up with bright, colourful decorations (our house more so than others), there are children singing carols on every corner and you can't escape the jolly songs no matter where you go. A time for giving, spending time with family, lots of good food, presents and hot chocolate.

What could be better?

Apparently, any other time, according to Aiden. He really does not care for the festivities. He never opened the advent calendar I got him, he refused to let me help him get a tree for his house and in his own words, if he has to lay eyes on another "dreadful santa", he will "rip his fake beard off."

I decided not to push him to get into the Christmas spirit since he had at least agreed to meet me in London for New Year's. After lots of persuading. He begged me to tell him what I had in store, but I didn't spill a word.

Pat on the back for me.

The truth is, with Nicole's help, I have an amazing New Year's weekend planned and I am so excited. My parents of course think I made plans with Gwen and although I felt incredibly guilty for telling them such a big lie, I promised myself that it would be the last one. My new year's resolution will be to tell them truth from that point on. Who knows, maybe I could tell them about Aiden, and they could welcome him with open arms.

That is all I want for Christmas this year.

The last day of school before we break up for the holidays looks to be a great one. We have free lessons all day, watching Christmas movies and eating snacks that the teachers bought us. It even tried to snow this morning but sadly, it turned into sludge.

We won't talk about the bipolar British weather.

After school, I go to Nicole's first to give her and Imogen the presents I got them. A nails and eyelashes set for Nicole and bra pads for Imogen.

"My turn!" Nicole squeals excitedly.

She hands Imogen and I our presents. Imogen rips hers open and gets a bulky, knitted woolly jumper. I carefully open mine and see a racy, black lace lingerie set with stockings.

"Why does she get the nice gift?" Imogen moans.

"Wow Nicole, I mean, this is...wow," I'm speechless, and not necessarily in a good way.

"The way I see it, Immi you could cover up more and Emmy, you could cover up less," she shrugs.

"Jheeze, thanks Nicole," Imogen says sarcastically.

"Aiden will love you in that," Nicole grins knowingly at me.

"I don't know."

"You have to wear it! It will be the best birthday gift you ever give him. Trust me!"

I attempt to stretch the panties and they barely give.

"I'm not sure if I can."

"Just don't eat too much Christmas dinner. Stick to the sprouts!"

I'll be sure to keep that gem of advice in mind.

After another hour at Nicole's, I head over to Aiden's. My bag is gradually getting lighter which is a relief for my shoulders.

I meet with Aiden's mum who is just on her way out to the pub. I give her my gift, a box of chocolates. She stares at it blankly, her eyes heavy with dusty, dark blue eyeshadow. Red lipstick is smeared all over her lips in such an unflattering way that it looks like her lips are bleeding.

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